Jia Hanyu| Trick Or Treat

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Your P.O.V.

"Yey i'm excited! Tomorrow is halloween! Whoo time went by so fast" i said we, the squad are inside my bedroom its night 9:23 yeah their all inside my bedroom to sleepover cause tomorrow is halloween

The members of our squad are Zeyu, Mingrui, Zihao, Xinlong, Shuyang, Sophia, Hanyu and Me

"Well have you planned about what are we gonna do tomorrow?" Sophia asked "right" zihao added "yea, first is we're gonna put ourselves in a costume, second, we're gonna have trick or treat, third, we're gonna watch some horror movies with snacks third, we're gonna have pillow fight and last we're gonna tell  our horror experiences" I explained and they all were like


"I'm excited"

"Me too"


"I hate scary stories"


***next day

I woke up Sophia was on my side while Zeyu and Xinlong slept on the couch while Mingrui and Shuyang slept on the floor of course there's mattress and Hanyu and Zihao slept in the guestroom

I sat down a while and looked at sophia she's still sleeping "Sophia wake up! Its halloween" i say while moving her "mm..wait, halloween?" Sophia quickly stood up "yea, i'm gonna wake zihao and hanyu, you wake them up *points zeyu, Xinlong, mingrui and shuyang*" I said and she nodded i went out from my bedroom and went to the guestroom as I was gonna touch the door knob Hanyu opened the door "oh, I was gonna wake you both up" I said and Sophia and the others went downtstairs and so are we

I cooked some omelette for our breakfast and ate them


Night 7:12 pm

"Guys! Its 7! Let's wear costumes now" Mingrui said while looking at the clock and we all nodded, me and sophia went upstairs to wear our costumes Sophia's costume was Annabelle which looks her scary "wow, Sophia best costume ever" I chuckled my costume was Hailey Quinn (is the spelling correct? Sorry if it isn't) "wow you look just like Hailey Quinn" Sophia commented and we both went downtstairs and saw them in a costumes

Shuyang's costume was a Vampire

Xinlong's costume was Joker

Mingrui's costume was I dunno who he is but he's wearing a red cape, ohh Doctor Strange

Zihao's costume was a killer

Zeyu's costume was Slenderman, lol but he has face

And hanyu was the scariest, Pennywise (you know him from the movie IT)

"Wow Sophia" they all look at sophia but they didn't noticed me I just smiled I was holding a bat , "oh look, Hailey Quinn" shuyang pointed at me and I chuckled "wow" they all said "let's get our own pumpkins and collect some candies from any houses!!" I yelled and they all panicked searching from their own pumpkins


We had seperate ways, shuyang is with mingrui, zeyu is with Sophia Xinlong is with zihao, and hanyu is with me

"Look! New house again" i pointed a house "that looks scary" hanyu said yea the house I pointed was abandoned I guess and it has many vines

"Let's just try" I said and I come near the door and knocked three times "trick or treat" I said "hey, imma leave here, remember the movie called Don't Knock Twice?" Hanyu said he was behind me "yea but I knocked three times" I said and the door opened which made Hanyu ran away and I shouted "ahhhhh!!"

A girl appeared "hey little girl why did you shout?" The girl asked and I take a look inside there was many people having fun and eating delicious foods "why is your house like this? It looks scary" i said "haha, remember its halloween so we decorated the house, hey come in your friends are here" the girl said wait, did you mean Sophia and the others I turned around to look at Hanyu but he was gone, I came inside and saw a table of many delicious foods and I ate some of them cause the girl said I can do everything here "Y/n?" Someone said from my behind and turned to look who was it, I saw Zeyu?

"Zeyu?" I said "the girl said we can have fun here, so me, sophia, shuyang, mingrui, xinlong and zihao is having fun inside here, btw where's hanyu?" Mingrui asked "he ran away thought, it was a ghost who opened the door" I said while eating cupcakes and he chuckled until the whole group was complete except for hanyu


"Guys we should go home, Hanyu's obviously worrying about us" I said "aww" shuyang pouts "bye kids" the people said "bye thank you for all!" We all waved

We all went home and knocked on the door hanyu quickly opened the door and I was surprised cuz he just quickly hugged me "I was worried about you" hanyu whispered and I was still surprised "oooohh, get a room, lovebirds" sophia said and he let go and he held my hands "Y/N, i'll make sure you'll be safe around me..I like you" hanyu confessed "uhm..I like...you too..I was afraid to confess to you cause...maybe...you'll reject me" I smiled and he smiled back

"Is this for real? Pennywise likes Hailey Quinn" Xinlong added

And we all laughed

The End~

Words Count: 882

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