Li Zihao| Merry Christmas

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Your P.O.V.

Yeah today is December 24 and exactly its our friend's birthday who is Zeyu and we, squad are hanging out at the mall and tomorrow is Christmas "ugh! Bella, where is your friend?" I asked lazily well Bella said she has a friend who wants to join our squad and we're gonna meet him in the starbucks cafe, its a boy but i don't know him

At The Starbucks Cafe

We entered the cafe "so where is he?" Zeyu asked "ohh I find him" bella said and she's waving at someone and I saw a boy waving at Bella and they come near at each other "ohh guys, this is Zihao our new friend, and zihao this is my friends, Zeyu," bella introduced and zeyu smiled

Bella: this is mingrui

Mingrui : heya

Bella: this is Xinlong

Xinlong: hello

Bella: and..this is Y/N

You: *waves*

All: hi zihao, welcome to our squad!!

Zihao: they're kind

Bella:heh, much kind than you think


We the squad was on our house its night waiting the hour arrow of the clock points to 12 but its still 11:34 yes tomorrow is christmas my aunts and uncles was having a chitchat in the living room while we having a chitchat inside my bedroom too

"I'm excited" I said "well, do we have christmas gifts for each other?" Xinlong asked "I think our Christmas gifts for each other is a big hug and whatever happens we'll stick together" I said and I opened my arms wide for them to hug we had a group hug for 10 secs. And mom just quickly entered

"Hey kids its already 11:59 lets start the countdown" my mom said before we went downstairs we looked at eacj other and smiled we quickly went downstairs and went outside all people was outside and we all shouted

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" We all shouted

"AND Y/N I LIKE YOUUUUUUU!!!" Someone shouted from my behind and someone backhugged me which made my eyebrows furrow I slowly tilted my head "Z-ZIHAO?" I almost yelled "yea, its me, I like u even if we just met a while ago, u don't know i was kept looking at you"  zihao said "why did you confessed in that way? lol hahaha" I laughed he was still backhugging me

The End~

Words Count: 405

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