The Siblings: Part One

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'RING RING' The Bell of last class period rang, it was Friday in the Winter, but we live in Texas so it is not cold. The halls were filled in seconds, everyone was running out the door while William and I stayed after class. We knew that when we would get home it would be the same as always, and we were going to be stuck their for two full days. William looked at me with those blue eyes, blond hair, leather jacket, and black jeans he had on, and said
"Let's ditch and go to the gas station for a little bit," then I said
"sure we'll get all the food we need for the three days we'll be gone for until school starts on Monday, Do you still have the $40 that mama gave you?"
"Yep I sure do" he said as he pulled the money out of his blue backpack. We ran to the gas station and pick out one thing for each day, sense we are used to only getting lunch at school. We grabbed a bag of chips, pretzels, candy, popcorn, and jerky, then we grabbed four water bottles. The lady ay the register had long black curly hair with glasses. She had the most country voice I've heard in a long time
"Hi ya'll will this be all for ya today?" She said
"Yes Mam," William answered
"Looks like you guys are going on a trip." Said the lady
"Sure are, just don't tell Papa, he'll have a real bad spanking if he found out." William said this as if it wasn't going to be a big deal if Papa found out, but it would be.
"Yes sir, but ya'll stay out of trouble, I don't want be be hearing form any cops you went missing alright now?"
"Yes mam," William and I said it at the exact same time
"Your total will be $38.42,"
William gave her the money, we grabbed our stuff and we were out of their. We ran back to the school, which was not far at all. Their was a woods behind the school.
"Won't we get board while we are their?" Said William
"Probably, but we can always use our imagination so theirs no big deal." I replied cause I didn't want him to back out now. Papa would kill us for being late from school. So if we come home right after school on Monday he'll be at work so we can get upstairs. Then when he gets home he can take a bear and not even know we are here.
"Yeah I guess your right" William said.
We grabbed our bikes that we use to ride to school. We rode in the tall grass to the woods. The trees in the forest are really tall and the leaves don't even start till 8 feet up the tree. We look around to see what's happening once we reach the forest. Looks like some one else had the same idea to hide out in the same place.
"Look there's Samatha over their," he pointed to a small abandoned camper and Samatha was sitting agents the back. She had a blue hat on and real dark black hair, she always held her head high, she whore a stripped shirt and blue jeans.

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