Who's Lucy

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New chappy ima try to update more k cause I got dem spirits back!

Storm P.O.V
I woke up to Rin and Syilvia shaking me awake
"Come on Storm we need to figure out who this Lucy person is" Rin said "Yeah were curious" Syilvia
"And what's that got to do with me" I said tired
"We want you to ask mom and dad" they say in unison "Why me?" I ask "Cause your older" Rin said
"Fine" I said as I went to do my routine

"Storm dear would you like some syrup" my mom ask "Sure why not" I said "Hey mom" Rin said
"We got a question" Syilvia continued "Who's Lucy" I completed but after we asked the question mom broke down and dad looked depressed "How did you know her name there's no records in the guild" dad said "Well Metelica found a photo album and we broke the enchantment then looked through it" I simply answered "H-How" Mom said still sobbing "That enchantment was impossible to break easily even the toughest wizards can break it" dad said "Luke broke it without a sweat" Rin said that comment shocked mom and dad "J-Juvia guess we should tell them about her" Mom said "Ok we'll
explain everything at the guild" dad said as we continued eating

Arriving at the guild~
Nashi P.O.V
Me Luke and the exceeds entered the guild to Metelica waving at us "Nashi Luke here" she shouted
So we walked there "So what is it?" I ask "Well uncle Gray and auntie Juvia is gonna tell us about this Lucy" she said that brightened me up I can finally know about mom's life

Juvia and Gray walked over to us along with Storm and the twins "so what do you wanna know first" Gray ask "Who was she to the guild?" Rosemary ask "Well she was pretty much light of the guild she was like a younger sister to me" Gray answered "So should we start calling her auntie Lucy" Storm joked "You should" Juvia answered "He was joking mom" Rin said "Fine next question" she said "Where is she now?" Nova questioned "We don't know she left the guild and went missing for 17 years now" Gray answered(including tenrou) "What magic did she use?" Gale questioned "Celestial spirit magic" Levy answered coming out of nowhere "Where did you come from mom!?Metelica yelled surprised "Well she has some type of senses that allows her to known
who's talking about bunny girl" Gajeel said "Who's bunny girl" we all questioned except for Luke "That's Gajeel's nickname for Lu-Chan" Levy answered which I'm assuming what she calls my mom "ok..." Metelica said just as confused as I am "Anyway what's Celestial spirit magic?" Reiki ask "it's a type of magic that let's you summon spirits Lu-Chan has 10 gold keys" Levy answered "What's her last name you only mentioned her first name" Metelica ask
"Her last name was Heatfillia" Erza answered also coming out of nowhere but this time no one questioned where she came from "Wait isn't that the once richest family!" Metelica exclaimed "your right her dad even requested phantom lord to take her back but that's when we met Gajeel and Juvia" Mira answered why does people keep on coming out of no where "why did all the picture from ever since she joined the guild disappeared?" Rosemary ask "It didn't disappear flame-brain took it all" Gajeel answered "What why" Nova questioned "That idiot made a mistake that gave down a huge consequence"
Jellal said "What's the consequence?" Rin ask
"She left the guild" Levy said getting all depress
"Why did she?" Ask Storm "......" there was a few second of silence in the guild before Levy answered
"Were not allowed to answer that" Levy said "Who says so" Nashi ask "Master says so" Levy answered
As every other adult left the conversation

"I hate cliffhangers" Metelica said "Me too" I said "Wait so you like reading too!" She ask getting excited "Yeah" I answered with a smile "ok bookworms we need to sneak into uncle Nastu's house and take a look at the picture of this Lucy" Gale said "but how do we!" Rin exclaimed "We can't be invisible or anything plus if we were he'd smell us" Syilvia finished "Well it might not be impossible I saw an invisibility potion on mom's table I could borrow it" Nova said "but he could still smell us" Rosemary said but then Luke pulled out some sort of bottle "scent remover" he said simply "This might actually work" Storm said "let's go hang out at my place" Nashi said "Wait that's aunt Lucy's old apartment right" Metelica ask I nodded my head
"Maybe there's some of her belongings" Metelica said as we left the guild

Arriving at the apartment~
Metelica P.O.V
As we walked in now Nashi and Luke's apartment Storm ask "You think we're gonna be able to discover why she left" "I'm sure of it" Nashi replied confidently "Sit down" Luna offered so the others did as I looked around I saw what seems like a righting desk and it had a drawer so I opened it showing a book and a diary "Yo what's in there?" Gale ask noticing that I wasn't Witt them "Well there's a book and a diary" I replied as I then saw a note on the book saying to: Levy so aunty Lucy is a author huh? I'll have to give it to mom sometime "Can we read through the diary?" Syilvia ask knowing it's wrong "Yeah how do you expect us to get answers" Gale said "Go on read it I too am very curious" Rosemary said as I flipped to a random page

Dear diary
Today we got back from the Crocus but every one seemed more cold towards me but I'm not going to get depress over that it's a time to cle-
I read but it was sorta cut off since somebody ripped the page "So this was written before we were born and all the way back to the games from that time" Rin ask "I guess we can only know if we sneak into uncle Nastu's house tomorrow" I said as I sighed
"It's late we should proceed be plan tomorrow" Reiki said as we all got ready to leave "bye guys" I said as me and Gale walked home

I just wanna say thank you guys for reading this story it means a lot to me ^-^

P.S you gotta vote

P.P.S Jk you don't needa vote

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