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b Are u guys keeping count on how many
3 time I've used this face? Guess not now
b let's start!

Nobody P.O.V

"What do we not know!?" Sting asked yelling "Let them tell you themself" Luke told him "Salamander! WHAT HAPPENED?!" He ask the idiotic pink hair dragon slayer but salamander answered "They hurt Lucy forcing her to quit the guild" Metelica said simply again "T-They did what to Lucy?!" Yukino said  furious "ITS ALL THEY'RE FAULT WERE LIKE THIS!" Nashi yelled "How would you know? You didn't even know her!" Nastu shouted going in Dragon force "She's just a kid Nastu!" Erza shouted feeling shameful of what she did before "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOUR LOVE ONES RAN AWAY BECAUSE OF YOU!" He yelled as angry as both the time that he thought Lucy was dead "SHUT UP YOU IMBECILE OF A FATHER!" Nashi screamed turning into her Demon form scaring everybody except a Raven hair boy that is not Gray as well as the furious Imbecile of a father
"We knew her longer then YOU!" Luke stated
"Yeah and they didn't betray her" Lucas and Luna pointed out together "SHUT HP YOU DON'T KNOW!" Nastu screamed trying to hit Nashi with his punches "Now I get why she'd rather give up her then see you" Luke said causing Nastu to start attacking him yet Nastu never landed a hit

"Open Gate of the Fire Dragon Igneel!" Nashi shouted and there right in front of them is Nastu's foster dad Igneel "I-Igneel?" Nastu said his body shaking getting out of dragon force, Just to be attacked by his very own father "I'm disappointed in you....Your no son of mine" The dragon said walking to where Nashi is "Ohhhh this is getting interesting" Luna said suddenly appearing next to Storm.....

"H-How did you get here?" He ask creeped out
"Teleportation magic -_-" She said like it's the most obvious thing in the world "Anyway who's that Dragon over there and how did it get here?" Metelica ask "Well that's Igneel Salamander's foster dad and Nashi summoned him cause she has his key" Luna answered "I never knew there was dragon keys" Metelica said "Only the royal dragon family can use it" She explained "Ok WAIT DOES THAT NASHI AND LUKE IS T-THE DRAGON PRINCE AND PRINCESS?!" She exclaimed "Yup" Luna said proud for some reason

Back to intense battle scene (°□°)╯┻━┻

"W-Why Igneel?" Nastu Ask tears pouring out of his eyes "YOU DIE INFRONT OF ME AND NOW THAT WE MEET AGAIN YOU ATTACK ME?!" He shouted
"I was only doing my duty" Igneel simply said without an emotion to spare "Yup we have all the dragons on our side so a-" Nashi was cut off "Does that mean we get to see grandpa weisslogia and skiadrum?!" Yuki ask joining in the intense scene "Yup" Lucas said cheerfully "HEY DAD WE GET TO SEE GRANDPA WEISSLOGIA AND SKIADRUM IF WE HELP THEM KILL SALAMANDER" Yuki shouted calling Sting over "Well I guess it's not your lucky day Salamander" Nashi said "Oh your on!" Nastu said going back to dragon force "OPEN GATE OF ALL THE DRAGON CAUSE IM TOO LAZY TO CALL ONE BY ONE!" Nashi shouted and out came all he dragons including Agnalogia "Agnalogia" Makarov said darkly with anger "HOW CAN YOU SUMMON THIS MONSTER!?" Gray ask Nashi getting a punch from Storm "SHUT UP STRIPPER!" He shouted "S-Storm dear please stop" Juvia said trying to stop Storm "YOU ALSO SHUT UP!" He shouted towards her surprising everyone because Storm loved his mother he would never in a million years tell her to shut up "BY CALLING HIM A MONSTER MEANS YOUR CALLING YOUR VERY OWN NAKAMAS MONSTERS!" He shouted
"Why are you protecting Him Storm? We all know that he's a monster" Gray Ask but got kicked by Luke "Nobody I mean Nobody calls my grandpa a monster" Luke said "GRANDPA?!" Everyone except for the ones who knew shouted
"So your that monster's granddaughter? Let me guess YOUR MOTHER IS ALSO A MONSTER" Nastu said and you know what happens when someone talks crap about there mother.........

TBC Sorry I ended it early ( ̄◇ ̄;) it's not my fault that I keep on getting prank called by some people it's really annoying that it makes me flip (°□°)╯┻━┻ so I ended it early now bye people!

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