Rainbow cherry blossom

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PEOPLE I'm back ^w^ gotta day I'm excited to write my new story and if you wanna see what it's about, then go check out me and Kittyfluff09 Channel Ilovekittens030

Luke P.O.V (It's been forever)
I woke up earlier then Nashi and salamander
Now I know where she gets her trait from I thought as I sweat dropped before I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast

Time skip to when he finishes making breakfast ~

"You two foods ready!" I called out to them and in a speed of light those two dashed to the table and started digging in, as I sat down and stated eating Nashi ask "So what do you think we should do it's really boring?" Though coming to think of it we've been really opening up towards the Fairy's as well as salamander "Ma-" I was cut off my none other then Nashi, Whenever I try to reply to her idiotic questions she answers them herself Nashi Ask  "How about we go to the annual flower festival we joined the guild just in time for it" She said "Th-" I was cut off again by Salamander "That sounds good" he said grinning "WHO EVEN INVITED YOU AND STOP CUTTING ME OFF" I shouted This is the first time I got mad at somebody after mum..  my thoughts were interrupted by Nashi pulling me to the guild "come we don't wanna be late do we?" She ask and I nodded as we ran to the guild with salamander following behind

Arriving at the guild~

"Hey guys come over here!" Metelica shouted waving her hands up in the air with the rest of the gang doing the same except for Gale, Storm and Reiki "Do you two know about the flower festival?" She ask "Yeah obviously who doesn't!?" Nashi replied "I heard before that somebody dug our the rainbow cherry blossom" Nova said "Yes I've heard it too they dug it out and put it in a little boat floating along the river (Is it called a river?)" Rosemary added on "Maybe whoever did it for someone that couldn't see the rainbow cherry blossom!" Metelica exclaimed "Isn't that just romantic" Syilvia said dazing of along with the other girls "I bet gramp killed whoever did that" Storm said cracking up though it is true
"So is it just a rumor or is it really true?" Rin ask "Why don't we ask my mom she got dad in love with in such a romantic way" Syilvia suggested
"More like stalking him till he falls in love" I heard Gale mumbled "Anyway let's go ask aunt Juvia!" Nova exclaimed running to Juvia with us following along though me and Nashi already knew that it was true because salamander did it for mum

"So you guys want to know whether if the rainbow cherry blossom really did drift down the river or not?" Juvia said making sure "Yup it sounds so romantic" all the girls except for Nashi exclaimed
"Well it's true" Juvia answered "Really! Tell us who it was!" They all exclaimed "Juvia can't answer that sorry but Juvia thinks you should go ask Nastu" She answered "Now we'll never KNOW" Nova exclaimed slumping back down on her seat "Why don't we just go ask Salamander?" Nashi ask "Well let's just say he never once attended the festival after we were born so I doubt he attended it before we were born" Nova said sighing "Why don't you ask, as long as there's hope never give up!" Nashi shouted pumping her fist up just like what salamander would do "Your right let's go ask uncle Nastu!" Nova said running to where he's currently sitting with us following behind again "H-Hey" Nova said greeted nervously "What do you want?!" He ask coldly almost like threatening her "Well we wanted to know who started the rainbow cherry blossom drifting down the river incident" Nashi said without a stutter "It was me" he answered proudly acting completely different then he was with Nova and because of it everyone was shocked "Y-You did?" Metelica said still shocked "Yeah I did for her" He said clearly talking about mom "So it's for Lucy?" Storm said rather bravely causing the guild to burst out laughter you know why? Because gramp was there and he heard everything "So it was you NASTU!" He shouted chasing after him "So he still wasn't caught after all those years huh?" Reiki said with tear in his eyes

After beating up Nastu~

"As you all know tomorrow will be the annual festival!" Master said from the stage and the cheers along with applause came from the crowd
"And this year nobody is allowed to dig out the rainbow cherry blossom!" He yelled almost making all of us deaf "Now go back to your activities" he said as we all did go back to our activities.......

Did you like the chappy also btw did u notice that I changed the cover? Anyway let's see the characters question

Crystal: Is there any questions Luke?
Luke: What happened to the revenge part?
Crystal: Good question idk :b
Luke: B-
Crystal: Byeee next person!
Next person~
Crystal: Is there any questions Nashi?
Nashi: When can I show my awesome power?
Crystal: When time comes
Nashi: That doesn't answer my questions
Crystal: Idc now byeee
Next person~
Crystal:Is there any questions Metelica
Metelica; Does Luke love anyone?
Crystal: Uhhh...Ask him yourself -_-
Metelica: But the whole point of t-
Crystal: Next~
Next person~
Crystal: Any question Storm?
Storm: Can I be stronger then Nashi?!
Crystal: Nope she's over powered along with Luke
Readers: Finally a question answered properly!
Crystal: Bye people :3

Sorry that today's chappy is shorter also did you notice that I changed my cover?

Words: 967

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