Chapter 1: Normal Lives

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The sun is beginning to rise in the Unikingdom. Everyone is waking up, getting ready for the day, Especially Unikitty. She's excited for the day, Just like every other day. She was ready for what's ahead. As she goes out to the window and says to the kingdom, "GOOD MOOOORNIIIING UNIKINGDOOOM!" The rest of the kingdom wished her a good morning as well. And another person excited for the day is Richard! He wakes up and says "What a wonderful day..." Unikitty then burst in and says "GOOD MORNING RICHARD!!" Richard then sighs. "Good morning princess." "You ready for an amazing day?" "You say everyday is amazing." "And I will never stop saying it!" She then leaves Richard's room and he sighs as he said to himself, "It's gonna be one of THOSE days, is it?" Richard then decided to go to the Kitchen and sees the huge mess Unikitty and her friends made, and as you can see, He screamed in horror. "No! Nononono!! What happened??" "Ehehehe. Funny story Rick. Me and my friends really wanted to make some breakfast for all of us, but we didn't want you to do it since you seem to have a really busy day. So we decided to make it ourselves!" "That was a terrible idea!" "You're welcome Richard!" Unikitty then kisses Richard and decided to go on with her day, and Richard is already gonna hate this day. "Come on guys! Lets have another amazing day!" Unikitty and her friends then left, and Richard just floated there. ".....Another great day...." He then left the room, not ready for another day of misery."

In Frowntown, The citizens are waking up to such a bleak morning. But one person seems to be in a happy and chill mode today. A guy named Brock, he woke up with such glee in his face. He went to the kitchen and he made some breakfast. Master Frown wakes up and goes to the kitchen and he saw the breakfast. "Good Morning Dude!" Said Brock. "Brock....What is this?" Said Master Frown, in awe. "I made breakfast for both of us!" Master Frown actually likes this and he actually decided eat the breakfast. "Woah. Thanks Brock! I needed something to prepare me for another day of ruining people's day!" As soon as Brock heard that, he immediately facepalmed. He can't take another day of ruining lives. He then sighed and said to himself, "Dude. What is it with you and ruining people's lives?! It's honestly getting a bit repetitive to me. Could you just....ya know....Not ruining others days and take a break from it?" Frown immediately gasped after Brock said that. "WHAT?! NO WAY!! I can't stop doing this! I mean, what will I do if I stop?" Brock then give him other things he should do. "Well, Make omelettes with me, play some games, watch some shows, etc." As you imagine, Frown hated that idea. "Eh. I don't think I should stop. Besides, It's what I love to do!" Frown then finishes his breakfast and then gets ready for another miserable day. "Well. Time to do some life ruining!" Frown then leaves and Brock sighed in annoyance. "Dude....when will you ever stop this?"

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