Chapter 3: Hanging Out

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Brock and Richard went to the best place for drinks called....The Best Place for Coffee. One Employee sees them and ask them what they would like. Richard isn't really sure what to get until Brock went to order. "I would like 1 cup of hot chocolate and a latte for this dude over here." Richard is shocked that Brock ordered a latte for him. "Wow. You ordered it for me? And I didn't know you actually like that stuff." "Well, you deserve it man." Said Brock. "I like relaxing drinks." "....Me too." Brock is kinda loving the fact that someone likes a hot and relaxing drinks. Made him blush a lil. The two are then at their table, waiting for their drinks. " is life in the Unikingdom for you?" Brock asked.

"It's been alright. But at the same time, it's really frustrating. Because Whenever I want the kingdom to go in order, The princess just wants to do whatever she wants. She doesn't understand how to keep the kingdom in check and whenever I want to keep the kingdom in balance, They usually put me in the wrong...." Richard then sighed and remembered all the times he was called boring and he was getting ignored. Brock can sees the pain in his eyes and kinda related to him a bit. "....Yea. I know how you feel." Richard then looked at Brock when he said that. Then Brock explained, "I know how you felt like you were always ignored and didn't feel respected. Because Master Frown wants to always cause misery to the world and I just don't want that. I just want him to have a break from all this and I want to hang out with him, not help him make people miserable...." Richard feels sorry for Brock when he said that. " you were also ignored." "Heh...Yea...I guess I kinda am..."

Their drinks have arrived to their tables then they started drinking. "Hm. Good Latte." Said Richard. "So. What do you do whenever you're not with Frown?" "Well, it's impossible to not be with Frown since we are roommates." Brock explains. "But I usually like to play games and Bake cookies." Richard stopped Brock when he mentioned that he make cookies. "Wait! You bake cookies?!?" "Well, ya dude! Also, I love eating them. The chocolate chipped goodness, the crunchyness, etc." ".....I. Love. Cookies." "Whoa what?!" Brock exclaimed. "I mean, they just taste sooo good!" Brock was so excited about this. "Oh my gosh, that's amazing!" "Man, we have so much in common so far!" Richard said. "Yea I know!!" Brock said. The two then decided to keep talking to each other and it made Richard feel happy. For once in his life, he found someone to talk to. Yeah they don't have everything in common, but even though they just met, they already feel a strong connection together.

Unikitty and her friends meanwhile are searching for Richard. "Ugh! Sis do we have to keep finding Richard?" Said Puppycorn. "It's been all day!" "I know it's been so long to find Richard, but we can't stop now!" Said Unikitty, with determination. They then see Richard, looking actually happy. "There he is!" Said Unikitty. "You seem to be in a happy mood. What happened?" Richard noticed Unikitty and he was still smiling. "What? Oh I just hung out with someone. He was really nice." "Ooooo. Who is it?" "I'm pretty sure you know him. He's a guy called Brock." The Unicrew gasped in amazement when he mentioned that. "That's amazing Rick!" Said Unikitty. "Yea...." Richard said. He then had a thought to himself. "You know....I think I might have a visit with Brock tomorrow....."

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