Chapter 4: A Quick Visit

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Master Frown was waiting impatiently for Brock to come back after his departure. He said in a grunt "UGH. Where is he?!?!" He then saw Brock, coming back with the drink he got from that coffee place. "Oh. Hey dude." Brock said while drinking his hot chocolate. "Dude, where were you?!?" Said Frown. "I was waiting like all day for you!" "Well dude, I was hanging out with this pretty cool dude. His name's Richard." Frown then realized something. "Wait. Richard? You mean that grey floating brick with a boring attitude?" "Yeeeeep! Just take out the boring and replace it with nice." Brock said. Frown is shocked by this. "Dude?! Why would you even hang out with that guy??" "Well no offence dude, but he just seemed more nice than you." Said Brock. "I WAS NEVER MEANT FOR NICENESS." Frown yelled. "Jeez dude at least try to be nice." Brock said as Frown grumbled and says "Lets just go." Brock just shrugged and went with Frown until Richard came back. "Brock wait!" He said as Brock and Frown went to see him. "Oh. You again..." Frown said. "What is it dude?" Brock said as he was curious. " wouldn't mind if I hang out and visit your place?" Richard said. "WHAT???" Frown said. "OF COURSE I MIND!!" Brock then shut Frown's mouth as he said, "It's my business dude, not yours. Sure Richard." Richard then said "Heh. Thanks....see you tomorrow then." "See ya." Brock said as Richard floated away. Then Brock said to Frown "'ll get used to him."


Brock was just baking cookes and Frown was going out the door. Brock takes notice. "Where are you going?" He said. "Well. I'm gonna go to the Doom Lords' Lair. Because Ya know. It's kinda my job to go there." Frown said as he goes to the door. "Well. See you while I'm gone!" Frown then exited as he went to the lair, leaving Brock alone. ".....but how are you gonna eat my cookies while I'm away?" Brock said as he brought out the Oven Pan with the Cookies on it, making him sigh.

30 minutes later, Brock was just at the table, eating his cookies alone, while still wearing his apron. A doorbell is then heard. Brock then came to the door and he sees that Richard was at the door. "Oh hey! It's you!!" "So....this is your place." Richard said, looking at how much Frown and Brock ruined the place. "So messy." "Yeah. But I still love it." Brock said. Richard then sees the Cookies on the table. "Oh! Cookies!!" Richard said. "Yep! I made them myself." Brock said. "Go ahead! Try them!!" Richard then goes to eat the cookies and when he took one bite, it felt like a rainbow was transported to his mouth. He loved it so much! "So. How were them?" Brock said. "They're so good!!" Richard said. "Glad you enjoyed them!!" Brock said in happiness as he prepared to play a video game. "Wanna play a game with me?" Brock said. Richard was too distracted by the cookies he didn't even notice. "Huh? Oh. You want me to play a game with you. Sorry I don't play games." "Awww why not?" Brock said. "I'm....not really good at video games." Richard said. "Besides, I only care about chores and work." Brock then grabbed Richard and put him on the couch. "Awww dude! You don't have to work a lot! You just need a break once in a while." Brock said. Richard understood what he meant and decided to play the game with him. As the game begun, Brock was just killing it! But Richard wasn't. He was sucking HAAARD. Always dying and not knowing how to play. Brock takes notice. "Lil help there?" Brock offered. Richard then nodded in defeat. Brock then taught him how to play the game. As Brock keeps giving Richard advice, Richard is getting more comfortable with playing the game and how it's played. This made Richard Happy and he actually had fun! The most fun he had in a while! And this made Brock proud of Richard.

One game later, Richard then decided he is going home. "Well. Gotta go." He said as he headed out the door. "Had a great time with ya dude!" Brock said. "Me too Brock. Hope we hang out next time!" Richard as he left the room. Brock thought he was gonna have a lonely day! But then Richard came along and made his day worth it! Richard was then headed back to the Unikingdom. And yet, he kept on thinking about Brock. And it made him blush a little. This made Richard realize something. ".........I think I have a crush on Brock."

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