The Day I Met Him

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The coffee rush was insane today. I don't know if all of Florida suddenly craved coffee or the drinks were needed to quench the female thirst for Mr. Anderson but I do know it left me exhausted. With no way of getting home I began my 4 mile walk. Within minutes of was reduced to a panting, sweat drenched, car-less, Starbucks employee. Jeez I Need To Work Out More. Suddenly the all to familiar yellow car zoomed past me. "Bastard." I mumbled under my breath and just then that same yellow car reversed and rolled down it's window. Again, I was faced with steel cold brown eyes.

"Get In." His face didn't change and I could see he was being serious but I couldn't understand why he'd allow me into his car again after I called him a pervert. Maybe He's come to finish what he started and abduct me for real.

"Umm. Excuse me? Do I look like the type to get in a car with a man I barely know?" I crossed my arms over my heaving chest and watched my employer shrug, rolling his window up. Then back down?

"Violet, Get in you insolent woman." He rubbed his hand down his face revealing a look of impatience. I turned my head in the opposite direction.

"You don't tell me what to do." I mumbled and pouted.

"Fine. Don't get in my car." He rolled his eyes. He must think I'm really immature but I don't care. He's not the boss of me after-hours. With a look of self-satisfaction plastered on my face I sauntered to the passenger door and slid inside. Haha that should show him who's boss!He sighed deeply, full of agitation and impatience.

"Wouldn't a gentleman open the door for a lady. How rude Mr. Anderson, I'm quite insulted." I scoffed and turned my body towards the passenger window. With no response from him, it was clear he ignored my attempt to mock him. When he began to drive he tried to create small talk with me, obviously I was bored to death.

" What's your view on politics, Violet?" He didn't even glance at me, his eyes stayed locked on the road, his body rigid and tense. Almost like he had forced himself to speak to me.

"I'm more of a republican. You know since Abe Lincoln was a republican and he freed the slaves and all that jazz." 

"Wow a black republican. What a surprise." He mumbled. What does that mean? I'm supposed to be a Democrap because I'm black? Is what I wanted to ask. Instead I settled for:

  "Where are you taking me?"

"Back to the curb where I first picked you up. Why? Would you prefer me to deliver you to your home?" He still hadn't glanced at me, and his body tensed up even more if that's possible. Was riding in a car with me really that bad? Do I smell foul? I didn't want him to drop me off at my apartment anyway with all those nosy neighbors and under-dressed teenagers who share the complex with me, who knows what rumors would be spread about me.

"No, Thank You. The curb is fine. I was just curious." I slouched into the leather seat, my mind wandering into what rumors would be spread if I would ever be caught with Mr. Anderson. Before I knew it I was being awoken by Mr. Anderson prodding me in the side with his finger.

"Wake Up. We're here." But where was here exactly? It looked like some dark alleyway, not the curb near my apartment. "I think I'll take you up on your offer of payment for ride earlier Ms. Violet. Seeing as you don't have your wallet I propose another way you can repay me." With that he began to loosen the tie around his neck.

Without thinking I asked. "What are you asking me for?" I stare hard at him thinking of the worse case scenario since I am in a car with a man who could clearly overpower me.

"I'm in need of a new assistant since my old one" He pauses and fixes his tie "Retired." The way he said it led me to believe that his old assistant didn't simply retire as he says.

"Why don't you ask Emily since she's the supervisor?" I ask whilst planning my escape route.

"Because I am your boss and you will start at 8:00 tomorrow." With that he got out and walked over to my side, opening the door for me to exit. How dare he, I never even agreed and he's giving me a time to show up. As I exited he handed me a small, rectangular card with his name and the address I was supposed to arrive at tomorrow.

"I never agreed to this!" He finally looks at me, but that's not the gaze I wanted to see. I swear you could see lost souls in his eyes and I understood what would happen if I didn't show up tomorrow. I would be unemployed. As Mr. Anderson got back into his car and drove off, I headed for the opening at the end of the alley and walked to my humble abode. As I plopped down on the couch in my tiny 1 bedroom apartment I read the card Mr. Anderson gave me.

Isaac Anderson

Starbucks Corporation

 1118 Vance Jackson Rd

I exhale deeply. "How does he expect me to get there. That's about 1 hour away." I say to myself getting up to shower. During my hot shower, I think about what I might've done if he had tried anything while we were in the alley.

He loosens his tie and glances at me "I think I'll take you up on your offer for payment earlier, Ms. Violet"

"What are you asking me for?" I ask staring hard at his chisled features. He leans towards me the steel in his eyes suddenly softer.

"I'm ordering you to kiss me." His words are clear and clipped as always. Ordering me? Well, an employee should always obey their boss' orders. I begin to lean into him, letting my body fall into his.

CRASH! I hit my face into the shower wall with puckered lips. Where did this wall come from?! I rub my face with water and exit the shower wrapped up in a towel, I walk to my room and dress in my fuzzy bunny pajamas. While fiddiling with the business card, I log into wattpad and read myself to sleep.

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