The Beginning Of The End

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Fast forward through all my morning hassles and bus endeavors and now I'm roaming the streets looking for a mermaid on a building. Eventually, I'm so lost I stop a random stranger and ask for directions. This "stranger" just so happened to be a guy I went to college with so I had to stop and make small talk. Jesus I'm gonna be late. I was scared of Emily's rath but what will Mr. Andreson's be like? I can't-I-I never noticed how cute Elijah is like whoa. I should hang out with him more. "Hey Elijah, I really gotta go but we should meet again and thanks for the directions!" I shout as I rush off in the other direction. I hear him say a faint 'bye' and feel my heart melt. Only to feel it freeze up again as I look at the time. I had only 10 mins to get to the office and check in. As I run down the pavements in the cool early December air, I finally reach the building and rush to the reception desk. She glances up at me coolly as if i'm not about to get fired on my first day.

"Do you have an appointment miss?" She shifts her glasses impatiently and I can feel the judgment she's obviously giving me. My first enemy possibly?

"I work here. Do you know where I can find Mr. Anderson's Office." I heave, completely out of breath and running out of time.

"Do you have an appointment with Mr. Anderson?" I swear I'm gonna punch this woman.

"You know what. Forget this. I'll ask someone else." I storm off into the office complex and question some of the older looking employees, who all respond that they have no idea where Mr. Anderson's office is. These people are over 30 years old and Issac isn't even 25. How don't they know where their employer's office is? Storming back to the receptionist desk I cooperate with the incredibly slow women. After 5 years she finally tells me where Mr. Anderson's office is. On the top floor. I should've assumed that. A guy like him would want to be on top and look down on all other below him. As I climb the stories I think of the time and if all of this is worth it. Why was I here rushing up thousands of stairs. It couldn't be the job, I have great credentials I can get any job I want. Was it him? Ewe running up the stairs and getting sweaty for a boy. He's not even a boy. That's not me. That's not Violet. As I ponder all the reasons I reach the summit. I knock once on Mr. Anderson's door and I'm met with his signature cold eyes.

"You're late." He doesn't even look at me. He just states his point and turns his back. Yet I still found myself eyeing the ground and playing with my fingers which is a nervous habit of mine.

"I know and I'm sorr-" He cuts me off with the sound of him walking away.

"Don't let it happen again." End of conversation. Hallelujah. But I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I begin to squirm, trying to figure out where i belong.

"Erm, Mr. Anderson. Where do I. Do what I'm supposed to do?" I begin to shift feet.

He inhales deeply, trying to subdue his temper. "Your desk is in that room. There's a stack of papers I need you to sort and deliver to me." He rubs his brow and directs me to a closet looking door. Great I'm working in a closet. TOTAL upgrade from what I used to do. As I open the closet door It's as if I honestly walked into a different office, stacked to the roof with paperwork. I can almost swear I see a pair of horns on Mr. Anderson's head as he slams the door shut between us. I sit in my chair and begin to "sort" through the impenetrable stack of paper. Once I finally reach the 'bottom' of the stack I notice the time. 12:14 blinks at the bottom of my laptop screen.

"No. No.No.No.No. How am I supposed to get home. The buses don't run this late. I should start walking." I shut down my laptop and walk through the closet door. He's still here and on the phone with a female. I can tell because of the sugary baby boo talk and his slightly less cold expression.I feel compelled to ask him to drop me home. He looks like someone who could keep me safe at night with his strong muscular back and defined cheekbones. Ok now the night is getting to me. As I exit his office I see him slightly lower the phone before the high pitched voice shrieks "helllo?" I take the elevator down to the first floor and begin my tread home. About a quarter of the way there I feel a man behind me. I try to shake him off and walk to a semi-public place, yet the presence still lingered behind me. Gathering all the courage I have I decide to turn around and I'm face to face with Elijah. LORD I ALMOST FAINTED. Yet somehow he looks even more handsome in the night minus the creepy following me around at night. "Oh, hey Elijah. You scared me." He smiles and I feel like the stalking thing is sorta ok.

"Hey  Violet. What are you doing walking around so late?" His face shows genuine concern and my heart pangs with guilt for making him worried.

"I'm trying to get home but my car's in the shop. That's kinda why I took the bus this morning." I rub my elbows as we awkwardly stand forcing conversation.

"I would hate to see anything bad happen to such a beautiful women, Let me bring you home." His eyes glint and I know I should suspect something but I go with it.

"Is that why you were following me?" I jeer

"You could say." He takes my hand and leads me back to his car. As he opens the door for me to get in I note everything around me.

"So I'll tell you where to drop me off and Thanks so much Elijah I owe you big time." I hug his hand with my own

"You can owe me by coming to lunch with me tomorrow." He glimpses that heart simmering smile and I can't refuse.

"Great. I'll come get you at your office tomorrow. Be as gorgeous as you are everyday." Before I know it I'm at the curb where Mr. Anderson first picked me up. I wave and say goodbye to Elijah. Later that night I grab my phone and text Trish everything that happened to me today. Wow two guys in one day. I must be lucky. Somewhat

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