End Of The Beginning

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My night was full of brown eyes. Both light and terrifyingly dark. Delicious light hazel eyes locked on mine as our hands tangled. I felt myself being so drawn to those whirpools of color. Like they could see my mind and soul. I was so compelled to look at them I couldn't look away as I squeezed his hand."Are you done gawking?" His tone is playful and flirtatious.
"Not yet, I still have 98% left to look at" I smile and feel him pulling me into a warm hug by my hands. He leans towards my ear and whispers.
"Violet. Violet. Violet"
"Violet! Violet Wake Up" I'm dragged out of my perfect dream with the mysterious eyes only to meet the beady, little black eyes of Trish.

"What?!" I groan, slightly angry that my dream was disrupted by the screech of my friend. I get up and walk to the bathroom and begin to brush my teeth while Trish explains her plans for today.

"So you wanna get coffee today?" She asks as I walk out of my bathroom, I shrug. Today was my first day off and I had no idea what I was going to do with it. I contemplated going back to sleep to finish that dream and find out who those eyes belonged to but I know Trish won't let me do that.

"Coffee it is. But I want to go to Dunkin Donuts to try their fall donuts!"

"Deal." I change into my classic baggy shirt, dark jeans, and black vans as we set out on a coffee quest. Trish & I used to be roommates at her old apartment until she found a boyfriend and the noise wouldn't let me sleep. Now their broken up and she's asked me to come back but i prefer to live alone. Ever since I graduated college my goal was to get as far away from Connecticut as I could. You could say I got pretty far. As we navigate the streets in Trish's car, I tell her everything about Issac Anderson.

"He's so tall, it's like he's towering over you and that's also how the office building looks too!" It's intimidating almost. "But other than that I noticed that everything about him is slightly.. off. Like his eyes are the same color as yours but your eyes look so alive compared to his cold and bored expression." She simply nods and shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe he's the type of person that takes everything seriously.You know. All work and no play" I shrug. She has a good point. But then again why should I care about Issac Anderson since he surely doesn't care about me. We finally reach our coffee nirvana and order our drinks. As I pick up our orders and bring them to Trish I am struck by an idea.

"A party. I want to go to a party." I tell Trish with a broad smile. She looks at me dead pan before breaking out into a huge smile too.

"Watch out. Its Mrs. Steal your man. Ok so club later?"


"I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!!" I scream at my closet full of work clothes. Hearing Trish snicker behind me I turn and glare at her.

"Ok you stay here and I'll drive to Marcella's to buy you a dress.

"Thanks. Make sure it's a dark color!" I shout after her as she leaves my apartment. After a good 39 minutes I hear Trish's car pull up in the driveway. She walks out with 5 different shopping bags. Figures why she took so long. I unlock the door and let her in. "What's with all the bags?"

"They're for you now go try on those dresses." I take the bags and thank Trish. Rushing off into my bathroom, I do my makeup and straighten my hair then I try on the dresses. Bright red, Black, Gold, Dark maroon, and Purple. All colors that look good on me. I try on all the dresses except for the red one, deciding to try it only to see how I look. As I step into the mirror, I fall in love with the dress. It was right above my knees and hugged my body nicely. I throw on some red pumps and saunter out of my room... Only to find Trish sleeping on my couch. I shake her awake and we set off to Miami, the party central. As we walk to the front of the line we're stopped by the bouncer.

"Excuse me ladies but do you have a reserved table?"

Trish turns on her charm and replies "We should."

He nods his head not falling for it. "Ok, what's your names?"

I reply this time "Violet and Trish" He grunts before stepping out of our way to allow us into the club. How'd our name get on the list.
"If you're wondering how our names got on the list it's because I reserved us a VIP table." She laughs as I let the atmosphere suck me in. As I make my way to the bar I order that new alcohol I seen on TV. After a couple of drinks I was feeling slightly light headed and I wanted to dance. As I stumbled to the dance floor I let the music take over. Jumping, hip swaying, and solo tango were what I expected. As I danced alone on the floor, I was joined by a pair of strong arms that pulled me against them. I found a dance partner to tango with. As we swayed, jumped, and grooved together I felt him lean down and plant kisses on my neck.

"Let me buy you a drink he whispered into my ear"

"That sounds great" I replied out of breath. As he led me to the bar and ordered my drink I couldn't be bothered to care and he slipped something into my drink. Oh it's one of those cute umbrella thingies maybe? As he handed me the drink I couldn't be bothered to notice the sly grin on his face. After I finished my drink he placed kisses on my neck again. Oh my god. His touch feels so.. wow! "Let's Dance!" I shout into his ear while my hands touched my face. Whoa why is my skin so sensitive to touch. It feels nice. On the dance floor he places his hands on my hips and forcibly grinds onto me. I pull away from him and get a good look at his face. Elijah? "Stop. I wanted to dance not dry hump" Elijah ignores me and runs his hand down my back. My mind screams for me to run but I can't. I feel so trippy and his touch is electrifying. He leans down to me again. "You like how it feels to be touched right. Thats because I slipped ecstasy into your drink." The grin broadens into a wide, evil smile and I'm paralyzed with fear. Ecstasy?! I've never taken drugs before. Oh god no. I turn my back to him and try to run away, but I was too slow. His arms lock onto my midsection and hold me against his chest. "Aww c'mon Violet. You're telling me you don't want this but look at how your dressed and how your body responds to me." I look at my arms and see goosebumps. I ignore the sensations and claw at his arms forcing him to let me go before spitting on his shoes.

"You're sick Elijah!"

His smile drops and this time he grabs my arms, holding my wrists in one of his hands. "I'm not sick Violet. I'm mad. You probably don't remember in college but I do." His other hand begins to unzip the back of my dress. I go into defense mode and use my legs to kick him where it hurts. As he falls to the floor groaning and cursing I run to Trish's table, grab her car keys,and leave the club. I drive home not worrying about Trish cause I know by now she's probably at some guy's house. As I get to my apartment I lock the door and plop down onto my couch a teary eyed mess.


Hey guys date rape is a serious thing. Don't let random people buy you drinks and please be careful out there ladies and gents. Protect yourself and those around you. It's never the victim no matter what the person is wearing or looks like nobody deserves or asks to be raped. This is all my vunatians ❤


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2014 ⏰

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