It's dark in here.

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'It's dark in here... '

That's the first thought that crawls from Elliot's mind when he wakes up, his dark dull grey eyes flicker around the dimly lit room and scowling in disgust when he notices he left his wedding ring on the bedside table.


He very slowly get up from his limp position on the creaky motel bed and sits up straight looking around the room for his old clothes, he notices his dark grey shirt on the sofa and get up to get it, Elliot lets out a low growl when he realises that man didn't pull out of him in time before he "let go" , Elliot finally reaches his dirty shirt and tugs it on cringing uncomfortably when he feels the wet fabric cling to his thin and lanky frame...

Guess he didn't last long enough to let his clothes dry..

Just as he thinks this he hears a loud banging noise coming from the motel bathroom, he frowns before looking around for his dark grey boxers, Elliot notices them on the bed frame.

How didn't he notice them there before?

He quickly pulls them on, once he's moderately covered up he slowly creeps over to the bathroom and pushes the door open.

Then he finally sees him, that cowardly man scrubbing his face and rubbing his eyes, like he's trying to clean out the thought of what they just did... What he just did.

Elliot shifts left to right uncomfortably watching him mentally lose it before saying awkwardly "Dude, you need to like go? I have more jobs then this one tonight.. "

He didn't have anymore jobs.

The man's eyes flicker up to Elliot's through the mirror and all Elliot can see is... pure rage, that awful emotion fulling up once probably vibrant green eyes.

He stares at Elliot with such rage and anger Elliot feels almost scared.. Almost.

Before Elliot can do anything the man abruptly straightens up and spins around to face him and charges at him yelling incoherent gibberish about 'how Elliot ruined everything'! Elliot didn't do anything.. He's just making a living for himself!

He pushes Elliot violently and Elliot trips over his jeans, 'remember to wear your jeans while confronting married men in the future Elliot' he reminds himself before his back slams against the ugly brown carpet, all the air leaving his lungs with a loud gasp.

The man drops himself on Elliot's torso and starts to punch him repeatedly, mumbling how "It isn't my fault" like some sort of sick ritual.

After what feels like hours, most likely a couple of minutes, the man finally let's up and gets off of Elliot, he staggers over to the bedside table and grabs his ring before slipping it on his ring finger.

He digs his hand into his jean front pockets and pulls out hopefully £100, he carelessly throws it on Elliot's face before mumbling "This is the fucking last time bitch. " He then leaves the motel to go home to his happy wife while our poor Elliot is almost unconscious on the motel floor, money surrounding his head like some type of weird halo...

This isn't the last time Elliot will see that man... He always comes back for more, and Elliot let's him.

'It's dark in here... ' which is the last thought Elliot has before he slips out of consciousness.

Hey guys, been a while huh? Anyway I just wanted to say I hope you all are doing well and what not.

Anyway, I have this book to show you and ask if you like or not! Do you enjoy the plot or do you not? Tell me and I'll hopefully respond in a reasonable amount of time!

(also I have another book I'd like to post if you want to see it haha.)

Anyway, hope you all have a lovely day.

~ Love Bear.

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