Chapter 1

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Hey guys hope you like this chapter!! 2059 words Jesus christ! If you see any mistakes please comment them and tell me so I can fix it right away!!

Lots of love

It's around nine am when Elliot wakes up on his motel room floor, he lets out a pained groan when he attempts to slowly get up, his back hurts, his head hurts and to be entirely honest his everything hurt!

He very slowly sits up right and covers his dull grey eyes from the sun light that's pouring out from the window beside the dirty fridge, he shakes his head trying to get his vision straight, that doesn't work out as planned, and he decides to go to the bathroom to fix himself up. He eventually gets up from his sitting position on the floor and stumbles over to the compact bathroom, once he's inside he walks over to the sink and finally gets a glimpse at his appearance and he cringes.

His light brown hair is tattered to shit which makes it look like a birds nest that was abandoned, his normally pretty clear pale skin his covered in bruises and hickies (though the hickies aren't exactly a new thing, there's just a lot this time.), his pink lips are chapped and there's a cut on his lower lip, his cheeks are sunk in from the lack of food he's been eating in the last couple years, these small scars covering his face from living in the streets and even some from before then...

Once he's fully done examining the damages he lets out a annoyed sigh then turns around towards the dingy shower, he tugs off his shirt and boxers before climbing in the shower and turning it on, freezing cold hits his delicate skin and he hisses quietly before the water start to get the slightest bit warmer, he runs his fingers through his knotted hair sighing quietly thinking about the mess he has ended up in again, he promised himself he wouldn't let that man be his client anymore, not after last time but he offered good money and Elliot's last client ran off before he payed Elliot the full, cheap barstard... Anyway he promised himself he wouldn't let that guy be his client ever again but... He pays in full every time and Elliot was desperate for money, he hasn't eaten much in the last couple of days, trying to save up for some new clothes but we both know it'll take a while for that..

Elliot's never been the best with money, he gives it to friend's of a friend that he's never met, gives it to other prostitutes that are in more need then him (And sometimes in less need but they still beg like they're only on a penny.) or he spends it on food he loves so dearly, like pancakes from that lovely store just up road from here or those delicious cookies from the store near the park where Elliot hangs out at most of the time, nobody really questions a Elliot about being there because he looks like he's around 17 or 18 even though he's turning 20 in a couple of months. (People still look at him questioningly when he's there but they don't go up to him, which is good.)

After a while of being in there shower Elliot finally hears the loud banging and yelling coming from outside the motel room door and he quickly turns off the shower and rushes over to his clothes, the knocking gets louder and Elliot gets dressed and grabs his stuff, he rushes over to the motel's window by the fridge and hears the door unlock, he quickly opens the window and jumps out of it.

He books it down the street hearing faint yelling coming from the room and he makes a mental note to never stay in that motel again, once he's far enough from the motel he stops and pants heavily, he hasn't ran that fast since those arseholes tried to jump him (luckily for Elliot he's pretty agile and fast so he escaped them in time.).

When Elliot finally gets his breath under control he looks around at where he is and grins happily, he's near the park!
He quickly ruffles his hair and starts to stroll in the direction the park is.

Elliot has been on the run for about 3 years now and honestly, it isn't that bad.. Okay yeah no it's that bad, he's had to use his instincts to survive and make it out here, he's met many people who haven't been able to survive through it and gave up, some he didn't expect to give up, like Lara and Ryland... He thought they'd make it but one minute they're singing together on the streets then the next they're both dead on the curb because of a drive by.. God it was awful, Elliot didn't even find out until he tried to visit their make shift home only to see it surrounded with yellow tape.

It's Dark In Here. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora