Chapter 2

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Hey guys, this us a new chapter as you can tell and I hope you all like it! If you see any mistakes please tell me and I'll fix it as soon as possible! Hope ya'll have a happy day and all that shit. (Sorry it took so long!)

Lots of love

You know the worst part about being homeless is?
Not having a home, and Elliot sure wishes he had a home right now.

Elliot's home for the night is a dingy, damp and small alley way behind some trash bags and a awfully small cardboard box that Elliot still won't fit in. After the third or fourth attempt to try and get in said small box Elliot gave up and just very slowly laid down next to it.

Over the 3 years of Elliot being a runway he's learned a few things, some things that aren't pretty and other things that are actually useful to him.

Like how to tell the time with only the sun, well, Elliot knew how to do that before he ran away but he knows how to do it even better know, like right now, Elliot believes it's around midnight.

Another thing Elliot learned really quickly was that not every stranger was friendly, not at all.
A couple of weeks after he ran away he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and somehow, a group of 20 to 25 year olds all ganged up on him.. Elliot still as a nasty scar on his shoulder blade from the incident.

It's been a couple of days since Elliot saw Mylo, he obviously didn't take Mylo on that offer to meet up because you know, hanging out with your ex bestfriend from back when you were not homeless is not the best idea.

But anyway, back to the present, Elliot is trying to get some well deserved rest but people are so loud around this time of night and Elliot can't fall into a deep enough sleep before he hears crowdy groups of people cheering in the street.

More often then not Elliot stays in cheap hotels and motels but sadly these couple of days have been rough, he's been reluctant to go out and bloody sell his body all because of fucking Mylo and his stupid smile and stupid face and stupid everything!

After a couple of minutes, that feel like hours, Elliot finally gives up and decides that he needs to find a better place to go to bed. He grabs his bag that he used as a make shift pillow and slowly get up, he stretches his sore and achy muscles before leaving the safety of the alley way.

As he walks down the slightly crowded pathway he hears his worst nightmare behind him.. A group of drunk, very drunk from the sounds of it, college boys yelling loudly about stupid shit college kids say normally now like 'lit' or whatever... What? Elliot doesn't count as a college kid, he's never been damn it, barely finished his high school before he left that all behind him...

Elliot shakes his head at that thought before making his way down the path at a quicker rate then before but he still hears them, louder this time.. Much loud.

Almost like they're right behind hi- "Hey! " Someone grasps Elliot's upper arm and spins him around to face him and Elliot cringes at the smell of cheap vodka on his breath and at how uncomfortably close he is to him.
His hair is a bleach blonde with dark roots hinting that he dyes his hair often, he as sharp dark brown eyes that a glazed over, he has sunken in cheeks that are a little pinky colour... But the most noticeable trait on his face is the almost maniacal grin on it.

He is so close to Elliot, Elliot can't see behind him but he's sure he hears at least 3 other guys cheering and murmering about this... Assholes.

"So how're yo' doin' then?" The bleach blonde haired one slurs at Elliot finally snapping Elliot out of his inner rant, he flickers his dull eyes to the left so he isn't looking at the beach blonde guy.

"Walkin'." Elliot answers simply, Elliot knows what happens in situations like these, knows how to get out of this without getting hurt or at least without being completely pummeled to death.

The fake blondey raises his eyebrow at that and says in a rather annoyed tone "I saw that babe I wanted to know where ya goin'?" His grip on Elliot's arm tightens and Elliot very quickly realised the guys friends are rather quiet.. Shit.

Elliot tries to get his arm out of the guy's strong grip and says slightly more panicked "H-hey dude, let go yeah? I don't want to talk right now."

His grip tightens more and he's pulling Elliot close to him, too close, way to close "Let go! " Elliot screams as he tries to get out of the grip but it doesn't work, Elliot thinks he hears the guy's friends are telling him to let Elliot go but he can't focus on that because the guy's face is so close, too close!

"HELP! " Elliot screams loudly before closing his eyes tightly and prepare be pulled into a disgusting kiss by this guy.

But it never happens.

What does happen though is Elliot feels the tight grip on his arm taken away completely, almost yanked away and the foul stench of vodka and Axel body spray leaves completely. Slowly Elliot opens his tightly sealed eyes and sees what happened, the blonde has a look of pure shock on his face as his arm is held up high in the air and his friends look equally shocked..

I am too when I realise who saved me..


Mylo's face turns to look at Elliot like he only just realised who he just saved, his mouth forms a thin line before he looks down at the blonde.

Elliot doesn't think the blonde guy is the scary one now, he thinks it's Mylo now actually...

"Mate, what're you doin' grabbing people on the street? " Mylo finally says with a hint of irritation in his voice.

The fake blonde guy scowled at him before saying in a drunken slur "Let fuckin' go of me." He squirms around trying to wiggle his way out of Mylo's grip but it doesn't work, Mylo's grip doesn't falter one bit.

Mylo's normally doughy brown eyes sharpen dangerously as when he glares down at the man, he abruptly drops him onto the ground and says something to him Elliot doesn't hear but from the look on the guy's face it wasn't pretty what so ever, he quickly scrambles up from his sitting position on the dirty pathway and runs in the direction of his friends, he shoves them out his way and books it, his mates soon following him.

So now it's just Elliot and Mylo, poor Elliot who really didn't want to see Mylo and slightly drunk Mylo who obviously wanted to see Elliot, a couple of days ago. Now though, it seems like Mylo doesn't want to see Elliot at all..

Mylo looks at Elliot for a second before diverting his eyes from him then saying "Hello Eli... "

Shit, shit fuck shit is the thought that runs in Elliot's head on repeat, why'd it have to be Mylo of all people! Why'd he have to be so damn chivalrous all of a sudden? He never did anything like this in fucking highschool.. Then again, Elliot and Mylo didn't get along in highschool, so he might have been to everyone else-

"Hey.. " Is Elliot's simple response to Mylo. What else could he say? 'Sorry that I didn't show up a couple of days ago Mylo, I couldn't risk you finding out I'm your ex bestfriend.' Yeah no, Elliot can't do that.

Mylo looks at Elliot up and down, his eyes catch the bag slung over Elliot's shoulder and something clicks in his head.

"Come on. " Mylo says quickly before grabbing Elliot's upper arm and dragging him down the road in the direction Elliot was heading in the first place.

Elliot trips and stumbles after Mylo stuttering out protests but Mylo pays no attention to him, just drags him down streets until they are infront of a tall apartment building, nothing fancy but not cheap.

Mylo turns to look at Elliot and says quietly yet sternly "This is my home, you're coming inside my house and you will be sleeping on my couch tonight. "

Elliot didn't even get a chance to disagree before he's being dragged into the apartment by Mylo...

He should have suspected this though...

Mylo always gets his way, one way or another...

It's Dark In Here. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें