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Greetings, fans of CTABH! I'm glad to have everyone back for the long-awaited sequel! If you're new to the 'series', you should check out the first book, "Cure to a Broken Heart". I'm afraid it has horrible sentence structure and the paragraphs are pure chaos, but you'll be rather lost reading the sequel if you don't know where things left off! Anyhow, I'm glad to have everyone back, but before you continue reading, I'd like to remind you that every little bit of your support is greatly appreciated, and in order for me to keep writing this story for all my lovely viewers, it would be fantabulous of you for you to pledge on my Patreon! Even a dollar a month is a great help! Thank you so much for your endless love and consideration, I'm proud to be providing to so many wondrous fans. It's truly a dream come true. Thank you! I'm hoping you'll enjoy ^^ -Mem

(check the external link for my patreon. Thank you!)

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