1 - 3 : Daily Life

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Ding Dong Bing Bong!

"Attention kiddos!  It is now 7am, which means it's time to get up, get dressed and get out into the world!  Become closer with your classmates so you can make their deaths even more despairing~!" 
My stomach hurt.

I crawled out of bed and my stomach have a loud, angry grumble in response.  I already felt drained of energy, and it had barely been two days.  How people managed to survive three weeks was beyond me.

Opening the door to my room, I was greeted by a certain Board Gamer and Airplane Pilot, who was bouncing on his toes giddily.

"Good morning, Seiko!"  Eiji Hikou said, saluting me.

"Uhm...morning."  I replied, running a hand through my hair, "what are you doing here?"

"We're enlisting your help!"  Kioko jabbed a finger into my chest, "on a journey!"

"A journey?"  I asked.

"A biiig journey!"  Eiji replied.

"It's a journey which will be filled with hardships, but at the end we will be closer together!"  Kioko said.

Where was this going?

"For the journey, we need to ask for help from two other people!  Who do you think we should choose, Seiko?"  Eiji asked.

"Uhh..."  I wasn't used to being put on the spot like this.  Who would be good to go on a journey with?  Who was I close with?  Who did I want to get close with?

"I suppose...Yukiko and Ryuunosuke." 

"Bah bow."  Kioko made a cross with her arms, shaking her head, "That's not gonna work."

"Eh?  But you said-"

"Yukiko doesn't like you, and for the journey, we need people who like us."  Eiji said.

Never meet your idols, I guess.

"Ryuunosuke's still fine, though!"  Kioko said, "he likes everyone!"

"He's really nice."  Eiji confirmed.

"We need someone else!"  Kioko said.

"Uhm...Ganko?"  I asked.

"Hmmm,"  The Board Gamer crossed her arms, thinking.

"Hikou,"  I gained the Airplane Pilot's attention and he turned to me, "what is this 'journey', anyway?"  I asked.

"You'll see when we've recruited everyone!  It's a secret.  Usually I'm bad at keeping secrets but Kozakura told me I'd be banned from the journey if I told anyone.  And the journey sounds really cool.  It's about-"

"Ganko likes all of us!"  Kioko shouted suddenly.

"Yay!  Then let's go recruit her and Ryuunosuke!"  Eiji spun on his heel and began running off.  Kioko quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me after him, towards the hall.

Tamotsu and Fuyutake were both inside, along with some other students, getting water. 

"Gankooooo!"  Eiji ran up to the Graffiti Artist, "we have a question to ask!  It's really important!"

"Oh?  What is it?"  Fuyutake asked. 

Kioko quickly explained everything to her, in the same cryptic way it had been to me, and, reluctantly, Fuyutake agreed, though she looked extremely confused.  Eiji grabbed her arm and tugged her behind him as we went to Tamotsu, who was talking to Alastor.

"Hey, Ryuunosuke!"  Kioko caught his attention.

"Hm?  What is it, Miss. Kozakura?"  He asked, poetic as ever.

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