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i carefully entered my house. i slowly walked towards my room. i didn't wanted to get caught by my dad. after what he did. suddenly he appeared from a corridor. "hey madds. why are you so late?". i mumbled "i was practicing singing.". he chuckled then came closer. touching my head. hair. shoulders. chest then waist. i felt myself silently trembling and tears filling my eyes. he whispered "tell me that you'll never leave me.". i whispered back "i will never leave you, daddy.". he spoke "good." then left. i entered my room then closed the door before locking it. i let the tears slip out of my eyes. i grabbed a scissor from my dresser. then cut one strand of hair. two strands. three strands. after all those strands gone. my hair was short. i didn't care. i didn't want any finger of him on me. on any part of me. i stripped from my clothes then hopped into the bathroom in my room. i let the hot water run through my body. i looked down. i hated my body. my legs were long. my stomach was too skinny. i didn't have a large chest or butt like other girls. i brushed away the thoughts then started washing my hair then my body. after getting out, i quickly put on my underwear and a oversized sweater. i dried my new short hair. i actually liked how it turned out. suddenly i heard a thunder which made me jump then drop the hair dryer. i sighed knowing it was a storm. it was the perfect moment to sing. luckily my walls were sound insulated. i started singing.
don't be that way
fall apart twice a day
i just wish you could feel what you say
show, never tell
but I know you too well
kind of mood that you wish you could sell
i lost myself in the moment. it was amazing. i forgot my problems. everything.
if teardrops could be bottled
there'd be swimming pools filled by models
told a tight dress is what makes you a whore
if "i love you" was a promise
would you break it, if you're honest
tell the mirror what you know she's heard before
i don't wanna be you anymore
i stopped because i was tired. i drank some of the water on my desk. i decided to sleep. even though it was early but i wanted to rest.

if "i love you" was a promise, would you break it?Where stories live. Discover now