take note

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Hi everyone! I'm sorry for being disappear because I'm so busy with college. I just enter college on May so I didn't open wattpad at all because you know I'm busy with college stuff. So, right now I'm on semester break so that's why I have time to open my wattpad. Can you imagine, I have 1000+ notifications on wattpad T_T Okay, so basically I will start active on wattpad again. About this applyfic, I think most of you didn't active or didn't care about this applyfic anymore. So, I have 2 option right now. I hope you can give me feedback.

Should I :

1. restart this applyfic by delete all the contestant and open all the slot back to others who want to join


2. just keep continue with the exist contestant

i'm thinking to do the option 1 but i need your opinion too! please comment here which on is your opinion.

❤️ clara

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