Mission Y (Prolouge Pt.2)

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Mexico, September 24th 1991, 11:36

"Sir, I must recommend she has the serum before the brainwash- it could risk the mission going completely wrong if she were to slip out of state-"
The pair stopped walking.
"Remind me, doctor, who makes the rules around here?"
The doctor sighed, "you, sir."
"And who says which order we do things in, when we do them, how we do them and why we do them?" His voice got more aggressive on every word.
"You, Sir."
The Colonel smiled to him self, "Excellent, now what's keeping us waiting, Doctor?"
"Nothing sir."
"Then lead me to the room."

The doctor, doctor braun, did just that. They winded through the corridors for a good two minutes before arriving at a staircase that led them down another floor.
Seeing as the facility was already underground, this was rather impressive.
"Just down here, Colonel sir."
"Thank you Doctor."

The military man stalked studiously down the metal steps, each one making a 'clank' sound upon every step. The doctor's feet made more of a 'clink'.
This particular stairwell was very dark, not a single lightbulb, so after a certain point the light from the above corridor started to fade, and the Colonel became even more aggravated.
"And how do you expect me to see down here, Mr Braun?"
Braun swallowed thickly, before scrambling in his lab coat pocket for his cigarette lighter.
"Here, sir. This should light the way."
The Colonel snatched it away from him.

They walked steadily in silence for an approximate minute.
"Yes sir?"
"Add 'lightbulbs' to the list."
"Yes sir."

There she sat, chest heaving, fists clenched, body shaking, face wet with sweat and tears. Her nostrils were flaring from hyperventilating and her muscles were going into occasional spasms from the stress of the situation. The only thing stopping her from screaming was the plastic they placed in her mouth.
The chair is which she sat on was very similar to that of a dentist's, lent back slightly with a large, white light beaming down into her eyes. They blinked frantically.
The guards that surrounded her averted their eyes from her, guilt tying knots in their stomachs.

Suddenly the door slammed open, and in strutted the Colonel and Doctor, who were conducting this session.
They'd done it plenty of times prior on her, but every time they did it, it seemed new to her.

The leading guard marched up to his Colonel and saluted, "Everything appears to be in order sir."
Colonel smiled thinly, "you don't mind if I check, do you?"
The boy frantically shook his head, "of course not sir."

He cautiously paced over to her, trying desperately to hide his fear of her.
Every step he took towards her, her heart rate increased.

Fear was more present then anyone in the room.

The Colonel took his right hand and checked the metal fastens by shaking them. They were like curved metal bars, designed to keep the girl in place during the process. He checked the feet, wrists, waist, chest, forehead and thighs- finding no errors.
He smiled to himself at that fact.
"Sir, may we begin?" The doctor asked.
The Colonel slowly turned to face him, putting up his pointer finger to silence him.

"Young one," the Colonel began, "remember what we're doing here. We're saving the world. Inch by inch, second by second, we are restoring order- correct?"
The girls eyes were wide with terror, pupils minute with anxiety and her sweat was in beads, cascading down her face.

A beat.

"Yes sir?"
He stared into the girls eyes for a few seconds, he smiled grimly at her.

A large, intimidating metal cage-looking work of science was hung over the girl's head, and buttons on a control pad were pressed by the doctor.

All that could be heard were the sounds of her screaming and screaming and screaming, even managing to do so with the plastic still in her mouth.
It was as if she thought that if she screamed for long enough, everything would stop.

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