new york? (chapt.5)

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Tony played a lot of music. It was weird because I'd never really listened to music before- at least I had no memory of it. He, on the other hand, seemed to adore every tone and note that the speakers blasted.

"You really don't know this song?" He questioned me for the fifth time, tapping his foot on the fluffy rug to the beat.
"I told you," I said, "no."
A beat.
"What about the style? Do you at least recognise that?"
I shook my head, thinking.
"What even is music? You keep talking about beats and notes and tones and styles... to me it's just sounds."
His eyes widened with surprise, but he tried to mask it with his words. He cleared his throat, "Well, I guess you're right. Music is just sounds. But you've gotta admit the sounds sound..." He was looking for the right word.

He'd been trying to talk to me for a while, it wasn't really working. I meant it when I said I felt safe with him, because I did. He took me away from people who wanted to hurt me, gave me food and saved my life. How couldn't I feel safe with him?
But my people skills weren't really in shape, all my comments were conversation-ending and blunt. I didn't mean for them to be, it's just how it came out.

I decided it was my turn to spark conversation with the man who wore a metal suit.

"So this tower of your's," he'd been speaking of 'his tower' that he was going to take me to, "where is it?"
"Oh, New York."
I felt my heart sink as I had no clue where he was talking about. But I didn't want to let him know that, for some reason I was determined not to sound weak.
"Near what in New York?"
"Eh, it's pretty central."

Well that helped. I tried again, "What's your favourite piece of New York?"
"My tower," he paused for effect, "nah, I'm just messing. I don't think I really have a favourite bit. But one of my teammates has an obsession with Brooklyn."


That name sounded familiar.

"I agree." My voice kept sounding dead and lifeless, I don't know why. Well, I didn't feel too great, but not lifeless.

Tony's POV

What was my plan, exactly? With this teenage girl who was working with HYDRA, has superb combat skills and is probably lying to me as we speak?

Bring her to my tower and treat her for memory loss, obviously.

I mean come on, what do you expect me to have done? Leave her with S.H.I.E.L.D? Hell no. I need to understand her first. Just spend a tiny bit of time with her and helping her, because let's be honest, whatever HYDRA did with her wouldn't have been good.
I was just there to help.

I thought music would lighten the mood, but when she turned around and said she didn't exactly know what music was...yeah, that threw me a bit.

To be honest, I was surprised that Fury wasn't following us. Knowing him and Romanoff, normally they'd be right on our tail shooting shit at us. For that circumstance I had no plan anyway, so I was thankful.
It was a very spur-of-the-moment decision to help her and give her a better chance, I'm not sure where it came from. It was like an instinct. An instinct telling me that this kid had done nothing wrong.

Nothing at all.

But alas, I had no proof.

I spent most of the plane journey to NY making awkward conversation with her, as if I were a distant uncle at thanksgiving, and tapping my feet to 80s music.

After a good hour she fell asleep sat up, back straight and shoulders still tight.
"JARVIS, turn the music off."
"As if not to disturb her, sir?"
The music stopped.

Whilst she slept she looked anything but peaceful. She looked as if, if anything woke her up suddenly, she'd be able to instantly and efficiently start attacking them. Her whole stance just seemed aggressive.

Who would teach a teenage girl to be that way?

JARVIS broke my train of thought, "May I advise that you give her a blanket to keep her warm and turn off the lights?"
I shook my head to snap myself out of my thoughts, "Sure, yeah." I answered in a whisper before getting up and finding a blanket on the chair opposite our sofa that I draped over her. The lights flicked off and the door closed with a click behind me.

~The Next Day ~

It was in the early hours of the morning, I had to go in to wake her up, but as I stood in the doorway I got a proper look at what she was wearing, she'd kicked the blanket off in her sleep.
It was almost like a jail suit, but a black colour.

Was she a prisoner?


Even more reason to help out.

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