the man made of metal (chapt.3)

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Tony's POV
February 4th 2018, A Mexican Desert, 17:59

The jet landed and the doors slid open smoothly, not making a sound. I stood up, shoved one last cocktail sausage in my mouth and exited the comfort of sofas and champagne to the harsh and bitterly cold desert.
Just next to my jet was S.H.I.E.L.D's, and stood beside it was Natasha and Nick. Natasha was certainly a surprise.

"And if it isn't my favourite redhead!" I announced, my suit folding onto me gradually. She stared me down.
"Stark. This is HYDRA we're talking about, do what you have to do." Nick butted in before an argument kicked off. My helmet clicked into place, "Of course. Anything for my favourite director."

Redhead opened her mouth to give me a talking to, but before she could I was in the sky again.
The first thing I noticed was the massive hole in the ground, still little wisps of smoke emitting from it but it wasn't overpowering.
The place was covered in metal and shrapnel and ash mixing with sand. I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me uncomfortable.

My thrusters came to life and soon enough I was slowly zooming around in circles, looking down on the mess we had made.
"JARVIS, we need to be scanning for any signs of life within the carnage."
"Yes sir. Anyone in particular?"
I thought for a moment, "Anyone of any worth to HYDRA, but other than that we just need to see if anybody survived."
On my screen the infrared scanners came on, shortly followed by heartbeat trackers - a new improvement of mine.

I flew around softly for a while and couldn't pick up anything. But I was determined to get this right.
"Tony! You find anything?" I heard Nick calling to me.
"Just give me more time! I wanna be sure!"

Roughly a minute passed and I decided to get closer to the wreckage, in case someone was very cold and their heart rate was down.
You might be thinking, why couldn't I just leave those people to die? If they were with HYDRA?

I guess I'm just one of those people.

I was scanning particularly close, and was about to give up when my screen lit up with red.
"JARVIS, talk to me."
"A young woman in shock and on the border of hyperthermia, she's unconscious and on less than half the average BPM. She'll be dead in minutes, sir."
Before I knew it I was having heart palpitations from stress, my tone of voice tensed up and went a few octaves too high as I started scrabbling in the sand. "How far down is she?!"
"Only a few inches, sir. But you must be quick."
"I'm being quick!"
I pressed a button on the side of my helmet and my suit folded off of me so my vision was clearer. I was digging in the sand like a dog, my fingers going numb from cold, until I felt something.


I must have fallen asleep because I was waking up, this time to a man's voice. He sounded panicked, short of breath. I didn't feel him touch me but I was being pulled up.
I was so, so incredibly cold. So cold I felt like a balloon.

"Fury! Romanoff! Here!"

I think my back was leaning against someone's chest, because it started to feel warmer. Next my hands went warm.
What was happening to me?
Was this man going to help me?
Or hurt me?

I heard a woman's gasp, "Oh my god...get her in the jet!"
"She going in mine!"
"Stark wait-"

Was I falling asleep again?

Ah shit, my ears. What's that loud noise? It sounds like an engine.

My feet were no longer on the ground, I felt the cold hair hitting my face, then a 'clunk' sound. Like metal on metal.
Doors shutting.
The man's voice again, "JARVIS, get us in the air!"

Soft. I was on something soft.

I felt myself falling asleep again, but I was woken up by a wave of heat overcoming my body. Suddenly I could feel again. Feel my hands, my fingers, my feet and toes.
My eyes.
They were opening.
But the second they did, I was terrified.

The man I had been hearing, he was in front of me, but he was made of metal. Even his face. I tried to scream but I couldn't. His palms were releasing heat, like a radiator.

I'd just been kidnapped by a robot.

I was about to make a break for it, but the second I moved everything went black again.


Sorry this chapter's so short! The next one will be longer x

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