28 [ Relationships ]

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Namjoon and Ari

Namjoon has always liked the idea of having Areum in the band, he thought the idea of having seven guys and one girl was unique

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Namjoon has always liked the idea of having Areum in the band, he thought the idea of having seven guys and one girl was unique. Areum likes to poke Namjoon's cheek, he always makes her giggle when he shows his dimple.

They have a very close relationship, just like a brother and sister. Namjoon helps her a lot with rapping and she helps him with his dancing. She adores her leader and wouldn't replace him with anyone else.

Seokjin and Ari

Jin was a little scared of the thought of having a girl living with seven guys but once he met her he knew she was strong enough

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Jin was a little scared of the thought of having a girl living with seven guys but once he met her he knew she was strong enough. He really likes to take care of her, like his little sister and insists she calls him Oppa. Whenever Jin gets mad she will kiss his cheek to try make him feel better, and they love to cook with each other.

They are very close, ever since they met. She respects him as the eldest and tells him he is handsome everyday. He is glad Areum joined the group and would never wish for anything different.

Yoongi and Ari

Yoongi acted very polite to Areum at first

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Yoongi acted very polite to Areum at first. People think he probably didn't like a girl joining the group, but Yoongi has a soft spot for Ari. He would always make sure she was comfortable when they first met and would help her in her studio. Whenever Ari wants to see his gummy smile, she will tap his chin and he will know she wants to see him smile.

Yoongi will protect Areum through anything, he really has a soft spot for her. He honestly didn't care about a girl joining the group but when he met her, he knew it was the best decision their company made.

Hoseok and Ari

Hoseok and Ari have a special relationship, they are very close

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Hoseok and Ari have a special relationship, they are very close. Like Yoongi, he would make sure she was comfortable when they first moved in together. When Areum gets mad at him he will back hug her until she forgives him and then he will kiss her hand.

Hoseok teaches her lots of different dance moves and it's their favourite thing to do together. He wasn't sure about a girl joining the group at first but when he met her, he was glad it was someone like Ari.

Jimin and Ari

Jimin and Areum have the closes relationship in the band, they are boyfriend and girlfriend

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Jimin and Areum have the closes relationship in the band, they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Jimin would always flirt with her until he got the courage to ask her out on a date. Whenever she is upset he will not let her go until she calms down. They know each other really well and know when something is wrong. When Ari wants a kiss she will squeeze his pinky so he knows and when she wants to she his eye smile she will tap his nose.

Cuddles, Kisses, 'I love you's' and cute nicknames. They can be a cute couple and also a sexy couple. He loves her with all his heart and can't wait for their future together.

Taehyung and Ari

Whenever Taehyung gets homesick she will get him his favourite chocolate bar and let him cuddle her while they talk about it

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Whenever Taehyung gets homesick she will get him his favourite chocolate bar and let him cuddle her while they talk about it. He goes to her for comfort, even at night when he can't sleep he will come into her room and cuddle her to fall asleep. They have a handshake together and they rap together a lot.

She will give him a kiss on the cheek whenever he does something cute. He will always massage her shoulders before a concert.

Jungkook and Ari

At first Jungkook didn't like the thought of a girl joining but once he got to know Areum he was absolutely fine with it

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At first Jungkook didn't like the thought of a girl joining but once he got to know Areum he was absolutely fine with it. He is the only member who is younger then her so she wants to take care of him, she wants to make sure their maknae is okay. He teases her a lot and they make a lot of jokes together, Ari will kiss the scar on his cheek when he is upset or tired.

Whenever he can't sleep he will do the same as Tae and come to Areum and cuddle her to get to sleep. But he also makes sure she is feeling okay before going on stage.

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