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Mithila's bag swung violently as she ran with speed, her hair whipping forcefully with the wind. Her feet colliding with the ground loudly, thuds echoing through the empty street. 

She pushed the door to the emergency unit open, and ran to the reception, hastily blubbering her mother's name, waiting for her approval.

"Room 341, you can g-" 

Without letting the Receptionist finish, she snatched the visiting pass from her hands, and ran to her mother's room, noticing how the tubes went in and out of her body, her face which was as white as a sheet, but she still had a smile on her face, "Hey." Her mother softly spoke. Mithila's mouth hung open, no words coming out, and she choked on her own spit for a second before she dropped her bag on the floor. 

"Mom." her voice was heavy with the lack of sleep, and her eyes stung with unshed tears. She felt her throat close up and hold back something between a sob and a shout. Her heart felt heavy, like you feel when you're drowning and can't resurface. 

Her mom smiled, her dry, chapped lips cracking painfully as she did, and extended her hand towards Mithila, wanting nothing more than her daughter's comfort. Mithila's steps were fast and loud, as she went over to her mom's side and sat down on the plastic chair near the bed. She held onto her hand, her tears finally falling, from her eyes and onto her mother's pale hand. She looked down and bit her lip to stop and sounds from leaving her mouth, but it failed when her mother brought her hand to rest on top of Mithila's hand, her voice full of love and comfort, "It's okay. I'm okay." 


Mithila's phone rang loudly, waking her up from her peaceful slumber. She groaned, not paying attention to the caller and answering the call anyway; "Hello?" she groggily asked.

"We're calling from Willow Gardens General Hospital, Utah. Is this Mithila Joshi?" 


"We're calling in behalf of Amyra Malik, she was admitted here yesterday. Both of her guardian's contacts are un-reachable, and you were the only other contact. Ma'am, do you think you can make it to the hospital by tomorrow? There's some urgent things to discuss, and cannot be done over the phone." 

"I'll be there by tomorrow." 

She called the hospital her mother was in, and dropped in a message for her mother. 

She pulled out her back from under her bed, and opened the closet door, stuffing in two pairs of jeans, some t-shirts, and other necessities. She grabbed her toner off the table by her bed and put it in, followed by her headphones and a portable charger. She grabbed her phone and put in the hospital name in the maps app, letting out a surprised noise when she noticed it was the same hospital Amyra had given her the address to. 

Amyra knew. 

Author's note

Hello hi haven't heard from y'all in a while :)

I wanted to talk about the comments. Please, comment, guys. I don't want to sound too greedy or something, but hearing your opinions on the story makes me happy. Also, thank you. WE CROSSED TWO HUNDRED VIEWS. 

I'm kinda sad because this books gonna be ending around some time soon, and I was really hoping it would take longer, except I couldn't wait anymore and I updated kdvdv

I already have the ending planned, and the rest of the chapters written and saved, I'll be updating a lot more often. my exams are about to end this Friday. Also, I have recently started a BTS AU based on a thread I saw on twitter, be sure to check it out uwu 

I love you guys so much <3


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