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We entered a private hallway, and it instantly turned even more depressing. Everything was white. Way too white. My eyes didn't adjust too well to the brightness of the corridor and I hissed, closing my eyes for a second. She opened the last door of the corridor, and motioned us to follow her. 

The walls weren't white anymore. They were yellow, but no light was coming through the windows, being blocked by tons of thick curtains. She sat in the corner of the room, her bed rather away from her, and her back against the wall, reading glasses perched up on her nose, and a book in her hand. But she wasn't reading the book. She stared blankly at the page, her hands still by her sides, not making any movement to return the pages to their initial position when they fluttered. 

I let out a tiny squeak when I noticed the drip attached to her hand, and the long pole that eventually stopped at a bag full of translucent liquid, holy god. 

Her brother gave me a sad smile, one full of pity, and I had to look away before I started crying. Amyra looked up and our eyes met, and a single tear escaped from her eye, trailing down her face, and falling onto the book, followed by plenty more. Her brother started to advance towards Amyra, his hands extended for a hug. He squatted down in front of Amyra's now frail form, and held her so lightly, afraid that she would break. Amyra cried on his shoulder, his blue t-shirt becoming damp with her tears, and He patted her back, whispering words of encouragement into her ears. He pulled back, and looked into her eyes, smiled, and kissed her forehead, and then lowly whispered, "You're strong; Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm proud of you for making it this far. I love you." He kissed her forehead again, before standing up and holding onto her hand, "Now, come on. You two have some talking to do." She looked at me with a gaze full of hurt and desperation, and I nodded slowly, not breaking eye contact. 

She stood up slowly, and walked to her bed, her brother pointing me to sit on the stool close to the bed, and slowly put her hand down, walking out with the nurse. I stood at the foot of her bed, biting the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from dropping to the floor and sobbing violently. Tears blurred my vision, and eventually fell down. I let out quiet, powerful sobs, which had the same force as someone drowning. My lungs rummaged for oxygen, and I felt lightheaded. 

I made my way over to her bed, and sat down beside it, my hand instantly found hers, and I held it tightly in my own, my tears slowing down, and my sobs coming to a stop. 

"Hey." her voice was calm and collected, unwavering. 

"H-hi." I stuttered out the response, closing my eyes when she looked at me with a smile. 

"I thought you wouldn't come, Why did you come?" Her voice changed, and was now more fragile, and I looked up into her eyes, only now noticing how beautiful they were under the small ray of sunlight coming from behind the curtain. 

"I had to. I had to see you." I answered, looking down at my shoes. 

She snatched her hand from mine, and I looked up, her eyes now brimming with tears. 

"You broke me. You broke me, Mithila." 

Author's Note.
Hi, whadduppppp.
Let me know if you like the update/ what you think will happen next.
Updates for Pantheon will be posted very soon.
I love you all.

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