⇨73:Heart Of My Wolf Pt 4 [Minho]

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It has been a week since Y/n and Minho are together. Lily found out after Y/n shared with her the good news and she was happy for them.

"Babe~I'm hungry, make me some food please" Minho said as he kept poking on Y/n's cheeks who is still sleeping

"I wanna some sleep" Y/n said as she snuggle into her blanket

"Babe~Please" Minho whined and Y/n ignored him

"Do you wanna let your beloved boyfriend/mate starve? " Minho said

"You can make food on your own" Y/n said

"No..... I want you to make me food babe" Minho said

"Fine~if you stop bothering me after I make you some food" Y/n said

"it depend though" Minho said as he wiggled his brows and Y/n rolled her eyes

Y/n got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make some food for her whiny yet loveable boyfriend or else he will keep whining and Y/n can't get some proper sleep.

Minho is staying over at Y/n's house to keep his girlfriend company since her parents will come back in a week times.

"Minho what do you want to eat? " Y/n said as she went to open her refrigerator

"Anything that my babe cooked but I want to eat kimchi fried rice today" Minho said

Y/n begin taking out all the ingredients that is needed to cooks kimchi fried rice from the refrigerator and she started cooking while Minho watches her.

After 20 minutes later, Y/n finished cooking and she placed the fried rice in front of Minho before wanting to leave the kitchen and go back to sleep but Minho held her arm.

"Can I go now? I want to sleep~" Y/n whined and Minho chuckled

"Okok but give me a kiss first before I let you goom back to sleep" Minho said and Y/n rolled her eyes

Y/n lean towards him and peck him on the lips before she quickly went back to her room to sleep and Minho just giggle to himself while he shakes his head.

>>Time Skip<<
4 months later,

Y/n and Minho have been dating about 4 months now and their relationship was sweet and strong but suddenly everything has changed.

Minho started to care less about her, did not spend much time with her and reducing the time they contact each other.


"What is wrong with you Minho? You are ignoring me more now" Y/n confronted him after she could not take his behavior anymore

"So? It's not a big deal" Minho said

"Not a big deal? Do you not love me anymore? " Y/n said

"Can we please stop talking about this? I don't want to have a fight with you" Minho said

"No! Let's settled this now" Y/n spat and minho glared at her

"Fine! I will tell you the problem~~I fell in love with someone else and she will be my new mate" Minho said and Y/n could felt her heart break into pieces

"You what? So you are tired of me and you went to find someone else" Y/n said

"Is there a problem with it? " Minho said

"But you can't change mate just like that, Moon goddess have been approved first" Y/n said as she went to held Minho's arm

"I hope she will" Minho said before his phone ring

He removed her hand from his arm and he went to answer the call.

"Hello baby" Minho answered and Y/n knew immediately that his new 'mate' called him

"OK I will be coming over soon" Minho said before hanging up

He then turned to looked at Y/n who is heartbroken.

"Let's not meet again~Go find someone you love because I don't love you already" Minho said before walking away, leaving her dumbfounded

After he left, Y/n just broke down and cry. She can't believe her first love and her mate left her because he fallen for someone else in less half a year since they gotten together.

'Minho if this is what you wants, I won't appeared in front of you ever again but I hope one day you will come back to me' Y/n thought in her mind

Hi guys, author-nim here

Sorry for not updating so long because I was busy with my studies plus I am almost halfway through my exams

I hope I do well because I don't want to retain in Sec 3 next year

I will try to update if I have the time but after my exams I will be updating more so please be patient

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