⇨87:Fight For Our Love Pt 2 [Hyunjin]

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>>The next morning<<

Y/n POV.
Arghhh....The sunlight is too bright and overpowering plus this headache is killing me. Did I drink a lot yesterday? I wonder is my baby OK?

I was about that get out of bed when a strong pair of arms pulled me back and hugged me tightly.

Just by inhaling the scent, I knew who is sleeping beside me.

"B-Baby it's too early~Let's sleep more" Hyunjin said in his raspy voice and I just kept quiet

"You are so warm, I want to cuddle with you all day" Hyunjin said as he hugged me

"Hyunjin what are you doing here? We broke up yesterday" I said while trying to remove his arms around my waist

"We never broke up baby~~we are still together" Hyunjin said wide awake now

"We did Hwang Hyunjin! You said that you are marrying another girl so we broke up!" I exclaimed

"No we are not breaking up because you are carrying our child" Hyunjin said

"You only said that because you want the child~ I freaking hate you Hwang Hyunjin , don't make me go get an abortion " I said angrily and turned my back facing him

"Baby~~" Hyunjin said while shaking my body a bit but I ignored him

Suddenly I felt like he is back hugging  me.

"Baby I'm sorry ok?" Hyunjin said and i just kept quiet

"Baby don't be mad at me please? I will listen to whatever you said so don't make a rush decision that you will regret~~ Remember the child you are carrying is ours so i am apart of it too" Hyunjin said

"Y-You are going to marry someone else already....I can take care of it myself without you" I said as a tear slipped out of my eyes

"Baby~ Who say that i am going to marry someone else now? I won't because our child will be my motivation to fight for us, I don't want you to bring up our child alone~ I want to raise this child with you" Hyunjin said as he turn me  around to face him

"Really? You promise you won't leave me?" I asked

"I promise that i will never leave you and our child even if i lost everything because you are my whole universe" Hyunjin said

"Thank you and i love you Hyunjin" I said and Hyunjin smiled

"I love you too baby" Hyunjin said as he placed a kiss on my lips

To be continued..........


Hi my lovely readers/Rubellite 

Sorry that i haven't been updating much as i was busy with school stuffs and this year is a important year for me as i will be taking my national exams so i am busy revising my school work so i am sorry....

But i will try to update when i have the time to so please be patient with me

The next part for this will be publish by next week so please look forward to it

Anyway see you again in the next part :) 

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