⇨79:Broken Without You Pt 5 [Changbin]

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>>Night Time<<

"Y/n jagi, come here" Changbin said as he patted a place beside him on the bed when he saw Y/n came out of the bathroom

Y/n climbed onto bed and moved towards Changbin and laid on his chest.

"How long are you now? " Changbin asked as his hand travelled down to her baby bump

"Close to 6 months now" Y/n said

"Do you know what are we having? " Changbin asked and Y/n nodded

"A son" Y/n said and Changbin smiled

"Really? " Changbin asked and Y/n nodded

"When are you going for your checkup? " Changbin asked

"Tomorrow 12pm" Y/n said

"I will go with you tomorrow~~it's going to be my first time seeing him" Changbin said while smiling widely

A few minutes of silence occur between them as Changbin continued to caressed her baby bump while Y/n laid on his chest, thinking of what to say next.

"Changbin when are you going back to Korea? " Y/n asked breaking the silence

"Woah~You want me to go back so fast when I just got here today " Changbin said while acting quite hurt

"But you can't stay here forever, you have your group and members back there" Y/n said

"It's OK~I will settle it myself, it's my decision to stay here how long I want since you don't want to go back to korea plus it has been long since we spent time together" Changbin reassure her and Y/n just hummed

"It used to be just two alone to sent time together but now our baby came to join us now" Changbin said

"Do you want to name our baby? " Y/n asked while looking at Changbin

"Can I? " Changbin asked and Y/n nodded

"Of course~You are the father of our baby" Y/n said and Changbin smiled

"I will let you know about it once I decide on it" Changbin said and she nodded

"Anyway it's late~let's some sleep, you need to sleep now" Changbin said

Y/n sat up from Changbin's chest before Changbin began adjusting her pillow, making it more comfortable for her to sleep and once Y/n laid down, he covered her with the cover before he switched off the night stand light and getting into the cover with her and falling asleep together.


>>Time Skip<<

"Everything looks good in there" Mrs Ruby, Y/n's gynecologist said as she looked at the screen

Y/n and Changbin are here at the pregnancy clinic for Y/n's appointment to checked on their baby.

Y/n laid on the bed with her shirt up as her doctor used a tool to go around her baby bump to scan her bump while Changbin sat next to her as he looked at the screen.

"Have you been eating the vitamins I given and eating healthy? " Mrs Ruby asked

"Yes I did" Y/n said

"Looks like your baby boy is getting more active as he gets bigger" Mrs Ruby pointed out at the screen and the couple looked at it

They saw their baby on the screen, moving around a lot and they smiled to each other.

"Around this stage, the baby will start kicking and moving a lot so you might feel some discomfort but looking at how active is your baby, you have to be prepare that he might bring you quite a discomfort" Mrs Ruby said

"OK" Y/n said

"We are done for today~the next time I will be seeing you is next month" Mrs Ruby said as she use a cloth to wipe off the jelly off Y/n's bump before she pulled her shirt back down

"Remember to be more careful at this stage" Mrs Ruby reminded

"OK we will" Y/n said before bidding goodbye to her and leaving the clinic

"Are you happy that you finally see your son? " Y/n asked as she walked hand in hand with Changbin to his car

"Of course but it would be hard for you since he is getting bigger day by day and he might bring you some discomfort too" Changbin said

"Nah~it's OK, I don't mind since it's worth it" Y/n said before they reached the car

Changbin opened to the car door for Y/n to get in first before closing it and going towards the driver seat and drive off.

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