The new girl

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Meadows POV

Meadows mom starts to yell at meadow to get downstairs to eat breakfast.
I hate my mom sometimes ugh. Mmm, I wonder what it's like to have magic, I always wanted to join a guild but I have no magic well that's what my mom says. Its even worse having no dad and never meeting him. If I only knew who he was then that would explain everything haha what am I saying. I think knowing my dad who left us is going to solve anything gosh I'm crazy. *sigh*

Normal POV

Meadow gets ready for school and gets on the bus. Since she's new shes scared, nervous and excited. Her town is called guardian. It's called that cause a long times ago there was someone called the guardian and that person created this town with magic and he was very powerful But of course that probably a myth and a rumour.

Meadows POV

I hope the people in this school are nice, Ahhh what if they're not. I need to wait and see,
*walks in the class*
"Uhh hi, I'm meadow..."
Oh gosh, they aren't responding... THEY HATE ME IM DEAD.

Lia's POV

Gosh, she is so ugly. Who does she think she is ugh... UGH, WHY DO I LIE TO MYSELF. No no, I am not lying to myself AT all.
Why is no one talking? I'll say hi just to get on her good side.
"Hi, welcome to our school I'm lia. Our class is just surprised we didn't know we had a... new girl in our class"
"Uhh, thanks!" Says meadow
"I am the class president so if you need anything just talk to me!!" Says Lia
"Uhh ya sure," says meadow

Meadows POV

I wonder if she likes me

"Hi class sorry I'm late... OH, meadow right? Hi, hi! welcome to our class, did everyone say hi yet. Let's just say hi again ok.." says the teacher aka Ms.B
"......hi..*sigh*," says everyone in the class
"Hi!!!" Says lia
I wonder where I sit...
"Excuse where do I sit"
"Oh you sit right behind the guy with the rainbow shirt," says Ms.B

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