New friend

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*From the last chapter*
Meadows POV

"Excuse me where do I sit"

"Oh you sit behind the guy with the rainbow shirt," said Ms. B
Mmmm ok so I wonder what classes I will have maybe ill have maker space! I love maker space!

*maker space is when you get to just make things or you can just read*

"Ok, so I'll give you your class chart. And today we are just going to get settled in!!" Said, Ms. B

*After school*

Meadows POV

"mom I'm home!"
Oh, there's a note, mmmmh. Oh, she's shopping to get me new clothes!


Umm, I'm going to go explore the village! It's kinda weird going around the village when I'm straight up new here. Whatever

Normal POV

Meadow walks around the village when all a sudden she trips on a rock near a path that's near a small steep hill, no one goes down there cause its way to deep for someone to walk down and there are lots of trees. Meadow falls down the hill after tripping over the rock, she tumbles into a lot of trees and after a few seconds of rolling on trees, she blacks out. She wakes up and sees cuts and bruises on herself. She gets up even tho shes a little dizzy, she starts to walk around and sees a little entrance to a little hole. She squeezes through, it ended up being a cave! She walks in farther into the cave and sees four paths. She didn't want to get lost so she found a way to get up the hill, and went home. After that, she got a blank notebook. She was going to wait for a few days before she went back.

Meadows POV

Ok, so I'll wait for a few days before going back. I'll just put some bandages on my cuts, Ok all better! I can't tell anyone about what happened. It's surprising how moms not home yet it's almost seven o'clock.
*An hour later*

"Honey! I'm home!!" said meadows mom

"ok mom!"

*The next day*
Normal POV

Meadow gets to school and sits down. The first class she has is maker space. She gets to the library and runs into a boy named Adrian, her books fall and he says sorry and picks them up. Meadow says "thanks". They look into each other eyes and Adrian shakes his head and says "wanna be friends?" meadow accepted and says "ya sure".
Normal POV

Meadow gets home and gets her blank notebook, then she goes down to the cave. She sketches a map and then goes down the first cave and she finally got to the end, it was a dead end tho. The walks back and goes down the second path. She gets to the end then there's another path that turns to the right, so that means the third cave is a dead end, so is the forth. Meadow gets to a dead end and sighs. " I guess there's nothing here after all" Meadow says. A butterfly fly's around Meadow and then Meadow looks up and sees a hole above her. She managed to climb up into it. Has she makes the map she crawls through the hole and falls into a room with a note, she looks at it and it said "If you are here you are the chosen one, you have magic that is strong and special. No one else has the magic that you have". Meadow was confused and didn't think that was real. Even tho the paper was really old I mean like 2 thousand years old. Meadow gets out of the cave and goes home and walks up to her mom and says "mom do I have magic, tell me the truth...". And of course, her mom denied and said "no". Meadow then storms of to her room and goes to sleep.

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