A new start to an adventure

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Last chapter: "Wake up you sleepy head, you have school." Said Sky.
"Ugh fine." Said Meadow.
Meadow and Sky walk down the stairs but halfway there they hear their  front door "SLAM."
Normal POV
They run downstairs to see who it was, it was a little kitty, a white little harmless kitty...
"Awww come here kitty kitty!" Said Meadow.
"Don't touch it!!!!" Said Sky aka Meadows mom. Meadow picks up the cat and the cat cuddles up into Meadows' arms.
"Mom I'm going to go find dad." Said Meadow.
"NO, you will not do such a thing!" Said Sky.
"YES, I will!" Said Meadow. Meadow walks out the door and starts her adventure.
        "Little kitty, what should I call you?" Said Meadow. While Meadow walks down the dirt path and watches all the people walking and walking, she wonders why she does not fit in.
"Kitty, why don't I fit in?" Said Meadow. The kitty meows and Meadow smiles. "That is right kitty, I have magic and well they don't so that's maybe why I'm different." Said Meadow. Meadow walks out of the boundary of her village and on a big road which is deserted.
"I know what to call you! Since I call you kitty a lot I'll call you kitty!" Said Meadow. Meadow finally reaches a bus stop and gets on a bus but barely affording it, she could only go five destinations or stops you might say.
Meadow and kitty get off the bus noticing Adrien, the boy they met before behind them.
"Hey! Why are you following us?" Said Meadow. Adrien walks close up almost touching her face with his. "I w-want to come with you!" Said, Adrien, while his face turns red. Meadow takes a step back and kitty meows. "Ok, I guess you can come." Said Meadow, her face also red as a tomato.
Adrien and Meadow put their money together and have a total of $73.54. "We should walk even tho this could get us another three stops." Said Meadow. Adrien agrees and they walk for a very long time and it becomes night. "I learned a lot about you!" Said Adrien. Kitty then meows in jealousy. "I've learned a lot about you to kitty!" Said Adrien. Meadow and Adrien walk for a little longer then reach a town with minimal shops.
They look around and find a mini motel and they book a room for $13. Since it was night time they went to bed and kitty snuggled into Meadows' arm, also Adriens. They could
only afford a room with one bed so they had to share. They wake up in the morning and eat some food that Adrian brought along with him. "Yummy thanks for bringing this along with you Adrian!" Said Meadow. Meadow smiles at Adrian and Adrian smiles back at her. "No problem, I wouldn't want us to starve." Said, Adrian. Meadow got up, her face turned bright red and said "I'm going for a shower, could you find a way to clean these... Please?" Meadow then goes in the bathroom, took her clothes off, and threw them outside the bathroom door. "Uhh... Ya, sure." Said, Adrian while blushing. Adrian walks out the door and sees a washing place for clothes a little while away, in eye distance. He finally gets there and cleans the clothes for Meadow, he then runs back thinking she is probably done by now. He gets "home" and notices she is not done yet and puts the clothes right on her bed. "Hey, I put your clothes on your bed so when you are done I'll leave the room." Said, Adrian. Adrian waits and watches TV, one of those cube, box Tv's that are very not good at working."I-I'm done!" Said, Meadow, while blushing. Adrian leaves the room and makes sure to SLAM the door just so she can hear it. Meadow gets out and gets dressed she goes outside and tells him, he can come back in. After a while of watching TV, they decide to get packed and get to a new destination. As they walk down the road they see two people sitting by a fence, they get closer and closer. "Hi, who are you?"

                       *End of the chapter*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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