Deep in the cave

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From the last chapter:
Meadow gets out of the cave and goes home and walks up to her mom and says "mom do I have magic, tell me the truth...". And of course, her mom denied and said "no". Meadow then storms of to her room and goes to sleep.
Normal pov
Meadow woke up then realized she has no school today, so she gets ready and goes outside. But before she left she lies to her mom and said she's spending the night at a friends house. So meadow goes to the cave and in that room where the note was, Meadow then goes down another path and finally, she got to the end that led her into a ginormous room and there was a wall with writing on it you could barely see it. Meadow goes up to the wall and wipes the dust in the crevices, the wall glowed and said, Meadow Blossom, you are the chosen one you have in unbelievable power. Meadow then spends the rest of the night trying to find out what this wall meant and how it knew her name. Meadow wakes up and goes home and walks up to her mom's room and hears her mom talking to herself.
"I cannot let her find out she has power... Like-" said Meadows mom aka Sky but meadow cuts her mom off and walks in and said, "ARE YOU SERIOUS MOM TELL ME EVERYTHING NOW!!!"
"ok, ok so.... along time ago we had a baby and I named her Meadow but then we realized she had taken the magic of her father away and he was in the family line of guardian so he was more powerful than anyone in the universe, but you somehow took that magic from him... He thought if he was around you, you would get hurt so he left for your safety, and now I don't know where he is," said Sky
Meadow then goes up and hugs her mom and says "sorry mom I had no idea :(" her mom said " no no I shouldn't have kept this big of a thing from you" said Sky.
Meadow then walks in her room and reads a book about the town to see if she's missing anything. "ugh I just want to know more about the town, maybe I'll find out more one day." Said Meadow. Meadow then puts her PJ's on and goes to sleep. "wake up you sleepy head, you have school." Said Sky.
"Ugh fine." Said Meadowv.
Meadow and Sky walk down the stairs but halfway there they hear their  front door "SLAM."

Meadow blossom Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt