Chapter One (Rewritten)

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Author's Note: This is my take on a Modern AU for the amazing Netflix Original The Dragon Prince. Since I ship Rayllum (Rayla and Callum (Don't judge me)) I decided to make this. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Dragon Prince, I only own the random students and teachers.

REWRITE CHANGES: Third person past tense, more similar to the actual show, other little things


*Beep!* *Beep!* *Beep!*

With a small groan, Callum slowly opened his eyes, desperate to make the annoying beeping stop. He put his hand on his alarm, switching it off and pushing his blanket off of his body.

The teenager got up, doing his usual routine. Go to the washroom to brush his teeth, get dressed, the normal.

He went to Katolis High, one of the most prestigious schools in Katolis along with the two other schools that started with "Katolis". As the step-son of the mayor and a straight-A with the occasional B student, it wasn't a surprise he was accepted.

Katolis was the largest city in the small country of Pentarchy. The country was divided into five cities, more like kingdoms, unlike most places. There were some small villages around the cities though. It had always confused tourists whenever they came.

Callum snatched his sketchbook from his side table, carefully putting it into his satchel. The school was relatively loose when it came to bringing things other than backpacks to carry stuff, and he preferred a satchel over a backpack.

He put pencils into one of the smaller pockets and some other necessary things for school like homework from the other day before grabbing it and leaving his room.

"Hi, Mayor Harrow," Callum greeted his step-father, the only one downstairs. His brother, well technically half-brother but he's still his brother, was probably still getting ready up in his room.

He felt it was disrespectful to call the mayor "dad" just because he's his step-son. The man was the mayor of the largest city in Pentarchy! He may be his step-son but that doesn't give him any privilege to call him that.

"Good morning Callum." the mayor responded.

The teenager put his satchel next to one of the chairs at the table, the sound of a hiss and scampering as their cat ran away.

Bait, their grumpy yellow cat with almost blue like spots (don't ask; they have no idea how) would just lie down around the house and like other cats, would be irritated when moved.

"Sorry Bait." the teenager apologized sheepishly, petting the animal's head.

As soon as Callum grabbed a plate from one of the cabinets, there were quick thumpings from the stairs, his brother Ezran bounding down the stairs.

"Hey, Callum! Hey dad!" he said cheerfully.

His eyes got wide, practically stars in them, "Jelly tarts!"

Callum quickly got out another plate as Ezran dropped his backpack, the boy grabbing it and making a small pile of them and shoving another one in his mouth before going to his seat

Callum chuckled at his brother's obsession. It was a trait from their mother's side, loving baked goods. Their mother loved jelly tarts, something that her children shared, mainly Ezran, and their Aunt Amaya loved oatmeal raisin cookies but only if they were perfect.

Minutes passed while they all chattered about random things, Harrow joined them before checking his watch.

"I have to go, boys. I'll see you two after school," the mayor told them, grabbing a briefcase from next to him.

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