Chapter I

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There lives a girl, a lonely girl who feels like her only friend in the whole world is her pet hamster. The girls name is Natasha Crystalline. Summer Vacation was about to end, she spent her days playing with her pet hamster, Harriet. Natasha was about to start her freshman year of high school. She had to leave the friends and town she new so well. Natasha used to live in an apartment in NYC. Her family had to move because her dad found a new job, in California, which made more money. Also, the rent was getting to be too much for her family to pay. So they sold their house and moved to California. Natasha had a good friend in New York City and she knew nobody in California. She was hoping to make some friends over the summer vacation but her and her family got to California at the last week of the summer vacation. So she started her freshman year not knowing anybody. Natasha realized that there were two kids that were in all her classes. At the end of the day she decided she would be forward and introduce herself. "Hi," she said, "I'm Natasha Crystalline and I'm new around. I've seen you two in all my classes."

One of the kids responded, "Hi Natasha, I'm Violet Zequela. It is nice to meet you."

"I'm John Mongoli" John said. "Violet and I are good friends."

"Maybe we could all become friends? Do you live close by?" Violet asked Natasha.

"I don't know the area really. I live in a cabin on Aqua Lake if that helps. Natasha said.

"Well I live right next to Tasha's Cliff." Violet told her.

"AndI live on the hill on the opposite side of Tasha's Cliff." John said.

Violet continued, " Aqua Lake is only 30 minutes away from Tasha's Cliff. Maybe we can hangout some more. It's always nice when you make a new friend and find out you live close to each other."

"I'd like that a lot." Natasha said. "Something just crossed my mind, when my family moved her I heard of a story about two 13 year olds named Violet Zequela and John Mongoli who found the famous Zequela's treasure. They found the map and everything then went on the hunt for the treasure with their moms. That's you guys isn't."

"Yep." Violet and John said at the same time.

Natalie continued, "It is also told that the girl is the descendant of the famous Zequela's and didn't realize it until she found a family tree of the famous Zequela's that included a picture of her grandmother."

"That is true." Violet responded.

"Anyways, the Zequela's own Aqua Lake and the cabin on it, but they rent it out since there is also a house on the lake to."

"I never heard that before. Violet..." John said.

"Yes John, that is true and my parents told me two weeks ago but you've been sick up until two days ago and I never got the chance to tell you. I was going to tell you on the walk home actually —

"I'm so sorry I brought it up Violet." Natasha said.

"Don't be sorry Natalie, it actually made it easier on me because I was going to tell John and bring him over there to meet the family and their daughter, you, after school. But here you are." Violet said.

"Yep, here I am" Natasha said while laughing.

Violet, John and Natasha continued walking back from school. At Kimmy Road, to get back home, Natasha went right and Violet and John went left. John came over to Violet's house since they were going to work on homework together. Violet told her mom how she met the daughter of the family that is renting the cabin on their lake.

"What do you two think of her?" her mom, Victoria asked.  


Again, I pardon the cringyness, as I wrote this in middle school. Anyways this is the first chapter of the short story sequel to The Mysterious Treasure and the second book in the trilogy Adventures & Changes. The girl on the cover is what I pictured Natasha to look like, but you can imagine her anyway you would like. Don't forget to check out Cotton and Leather, me and A are having a blast writing it.

- H

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