Chapter III

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"Supposedly one of my cousins is a descendant of a rich family. My parents don't know where they live and have never met my cousin or my aunt and uncle. In fact we no very little about them."

"What a marvelous secret Natasha" Violet said.

"Why don't you tell most people that? John asked.

Natasha responded, "Because I'm afraid if people I met knew I was a cousin of a person who was a descendant of a rich family then that might be the only reason they would be friends with me."

"That sure does make sense, " Violet agreed.

"But, you told us this secret." John said.

"That's because we are such good friends now I feel like telling you doesn't matter as much." Natasha replied.

The friends continued talk about this and found out that Natalie would actually like to learn more about this family of hers and find where they live. Violet and John agreed to help Natalie because they were friends and it seemed really important to her to find out about this family.

"Thank you for agreeing to help me." Natalie told them, as the walked to Violet's house.

"No problem Natasha. If I had a family I knew nothing about I would want to find out about them and I'd want to meet them and spend time with them." Violet told her.

"I must say, I agree with Violet. I'd want to find out about a family I had too," John said, "especially if my parents and I didn't know much about them."

The friends stopped talking about it when they got to Violet's house. They agreed that Natasha's secret would be known as a marvelous secret. The friends also agreed that they would only discuss it when they were alone in order to keep it a secret. The school progressed and the friends didn't have time to figure out information about the unknown family.

Spring break came and the friends couldn't figure out anything about the family because Violet's family and John's family were going on a camping trip together, but Violet and John quickly thought of a way to hang out with Natasha over the break and try to help her figure out who the family was.

"Can Natasha come with us on the camping trip?" Violet asked Victoria.

"It would be nice to invite Natasha on the trip with us, she is a good friend." John added.

Victoria looked at Tina, John's mom, and asked her "What do you think?"

"I don't see why not," Tina replied. Then she turned to John and Violet and said "You might want to ask her parents before you ask her."

So Violet and John went over to the cabin on Aqua Lake to ask Mr. and Mrs. Crystalline if Natasha could come. "Of course she can go," said Mrs. Crystalline, "she would be delighted." So Violet and John knocked on Natasha's bedroom door and when she opened the door the told her the news together.

"Thank you so much for thinking of inviting me." Natasha told them. John and Violet told her that they would be leaving tomorrow afternoon and be coming by to get her around 12:30 p.m. The friends didn't really think much about the secret over the camping trip and when they got back home school started the next day. The school year seemed to go by in a blur and the next thing they knew it was summer vacation.

It was the time the friends really got to spend time on figuring out who the mystery family was. Yes, they did spend time swimming in the lake. But, mostly they thought about that unknown family of Natasha's. One day while resting on the dock Natasha asked her friends, "You know what would be cool?"

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