Chapter 3: Awakening

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(I don't own Highschool DXD. I only own my OCs)

Today is Saturday, which means that Shinji doesn't have school. Shinji woke up , ate his breakfast and went out to memorize the paths. He headed towards the commercial area. There was a plethora of stores ranging from manga stores to restaurants and many others. Shinji was amazed by the number of stores. He went into some convience stores to get groceries. Then, he returned home. He headed towards the fridge to put the groceries inside and then went to the couch and sat on it. Then, Pegasus started to talk to Shinji:

Pegasus: "I do not recall knowing your name. Could you tell what it is!"

Shinji: "It's Shinji."

  Pegasus: "That's the perfect name for a warrior! Shinji...Shinji...yes that's a name that can be remembered in the hall of fame!"

 Shinji:"You really think so?"

Pegasus: "But of course! However, let's change subject! I would like to learn more about this world!"

Shinji: "Well, what do you want to learn?"

Pegasus: "What I would like to know is about what happened at the Great War"

Shinji: "You mean World War I ?"

Pegasus: "What is that ? I am talking about the war of the three factions!"  

Shinji: "What three factions? I don't know which war you are referring to!"

Pegasus: "What? I am referring to the war between Angels, Devils and Fallen Angels!"

Shinji: "What? Are you serious? They didn't tell me anything at the Church! I thought that only  Relic hosts existed!"

Pegasus: "Well, I am serious! A war occured, but I don't know what happened, because I was sealed by my first host"

Shinji: "I don't understand. How could Devils exist?"

Pegasus: "Like how you can exist. Now, I would like to tell you something."

Shinji: "Shoot."

Pegasus: "I would like to inform you that we shall start our training tomorrow!"

Shinji : "Wait a minute! How can you say that when  I haven't even understood what's going on?!"

Pegasus: "I will explain everything to you tomorrow. In the meantime, let's..."

Shinji: "Let's what?"

Pegasus: "Nothing..."

After eating lunch, he did his homework and got out. It was evening. The town looked beaitiful in the evening, especially with the lights.
Shinji was walking towards the park where he had summoned Pegasus. He had of course covered the evidence of what he had done, so there was no problem. After awhile, he sat down on a bench, as people were leaving. When everyone left, Shinji noticed a strange silence. Suddenly,  four mysterious people appeared from their hiding place. There were two men and two women. One man had blonde hair as well as  one of the women. The other man had black hair and the other woman had pink hair. There was one thing they all had in common. They all had black wings. They started walking towards Shinji.

Blonde fallen angels (male&femle): "It seems we finally found you, Pegasus."


Blonde fallen angels (male&femle): Stop ignoring us, you little shit!!! You killed our subordinate, so it's time for you to pay!

After hearing that, Shinji remembered the horrifying sight of the heretic killing himself. Returning to reality, he puked. He couldn't handle it.

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