♥Chapter Four♥

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Draco woke up just as the sun was coming up and he dressed before walking downstairs. He spotted Hermione reading on one of the chairs and walked over cautiously and she smiled up at him friendly.

"Just the blonde I was hoping to see," she stated and set her book down as Draco sat across from her.

"You saw me last night," he remarked bluntly.

"I did," she nodded. "I know that you are Hybrid, Draco, and I want you to know that you don't have to feel in danger from me. Actually, I believe that this explains your behavior from the last four years."

"Thanks, Gra-Hermione," he smiled gratefully. She smiled at him and was caught off guard when he pulled her into a tight hug.

"What's goin' on down here?" a sleepy voice asked. They looked over to see Ron rubbing his eyes.

"We were discussing the nosiness of a certain red-headed Gryffindor," Hermione teased.

"I am telling Ginny that you two are taking about her," Ron yawned, making Draco laugh.

"I like this new you," Hermione smiled.

"Me too," Draco agreed, a light purr evident in his voice. Hermione smiled as Harry walked down the stairs.

"Let's get to breakfast," Ron insisted, still halfway asleep. They walked out of the common room and saw Blaise leaning against the wall outside.

"Good morning, Gryffindors," he smiled. He threw his arm around Hermione's shoulders and smirked down at her. "Did ya miss me?"

"As if!" she snorted, making him laugh.

"Now, now, beautiful, lying isn't good for you," he winked, making Hermione roll her eyes.

"Let's get a move on," Ron shouted. "I'm starving!"

They walked down to the Great Hall and everyone went quiet as they five walked in. Blaise strode to the Slytherin table while the other four walked to the Gryffindor table.

"Hey, guys!" George grinned as he and Fred sat next to Ron.

"Have you seen the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Fred asked.

"No, we didn't have it yesterday," Hermione answered. The twins exchanged glances, identical grins evident on their faces.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Her name is Professor Lyddie Black," George began.

"And she puts the B in beautiful," Fred finished.

"Her last name is Black?" Harry asked.

"Yep," they answered together.

"You don't think..." Ron began.

"That is exactly what I think," Harry nodded. "And, luckily, we have that class today."

A few hours later, they walked into their DADA class and the first thing that struck them about Professor Black was that she wasn't wearing the traditional Wizarding robes. She was wearing muggle clothes. Her eyes were a stunning blue and her black hair was pulled back into a braid. They were the first ones in the classroom and Fred and George had been right. She was very beautiful. The other students filed in and they noted that they were taking this with Slytherin. Blaise sat next to Draco, who was behind Ron and Harry.

"Good morning," she smiled. "Today we will be working on how to block certain spells."

She taught them the spell then called for a volunteer. Almost everyone's hand shot into the air. She scanned the room and chose Draco, the only person not volunteering.

"Now then, the execution of the spell is very simple," she said and turned to Draco. "Now then, Draco, just send a simple disarming spell."

"Expelliarmus!" The spell went hurdling towards her and she flicked her wand and quickly shouting the blocking curse. The spell bounced off her and went hurdling back towards Draco, who was caught off guard. His wand flew out of his hand and she caught it easily.

"The key to this spell is to not panic," she explained. "If you panic, the spell will not be as strong as it should be. Now, pair up and practice. Remember, only use a disarming spell."

Draco went with Blaise, Harry with Ron, and Hermione paired up with Neville so she could help him.

"Stand so that you are tilted away from your partner to get a better angle," she instructed as she weaved amongst them. She stopped by Ron and studied his stance.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted and Ron failed to block it.

"Your arm is too tense," Professor Black stated. "Relax it a bit."

She gently reached up and bent his elbow. She angled his hand so that the tip of his wand was facing the roof and told them try again. Ron successfully blocked it and smirked proudly.

"Tomorrow, we will try much more difficult spells," she stated. "Luckily for you, I have decided not to assign homework tonight."

Several students cheered and she smiled warmly. She dismissed the class and Harry walked over to her desk.

"Professor Black?" he asked timidly. She looked up at him and he shifted uncomfortably.

"Is there something I can do for you, Harry?" she asked.

"I was just wondering if you knew..." he paused. Would she get offended if I ask her if she is related to a supposed murderer? He thought to himself.

"If I knew?" she frowned.

"Remus Lupin," he stated.

"Moony?" she asked, her eyebrow raising. Harry stared at her and nodded. "Of course! We came to Hogwarts together. He, your father, and my brother were the best of friends."

"Your brother?" Harry asked. She nodded, a smirk on her face.

"Yep, he is older by a year," she stated.

"Do you two still keep in touch?" Harry asked excitedly. She nodded again and Harry smiled at her.

"You should probably get to potions," she stated. "Severus will skin you alive if you're late."

"Goodbye, professor," Harry smiled as he walked out.

"Goodbye, Harry," she called, almost in a motherly fashion. He walked into potions and sat next to Draco. Ron and Hermione turned in their seats in front of them to talk to Harry.

"Well?" Hermione questioned.

"We were right," Harry remarked. "She even mentioned my father and Remus."

"Wow, why didn't he ever tell you?" Ron asked.

"He probably didn't see it as important," Harry shrugged.

"Um, what is going on?" Draco asked. Harry opened his mouth to answer but Snape walked in and demanded silence.

"I'll tell you later," Harry hissed under his breathe.


Yeah me!! Yes,  I added a character. Sue me! I bet you all did that once!

Anywho, Delores Umbridge will make an appearance but for now we have Professor Black!!

Tell me what you think of all this! Your thoughts are very important!


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