♥Chapter Five♥

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"So your godfather is murderer Sirius Black?" Draco asked in the common room.

"Supposed murderer," Harry corrected him.

"Right," Draco frowned. "And his sister is Professor Black?"

"Yep," Harry nodded. At that moment, an owl pecked at the window and Harry opened it up. He took the parchment strapped to its leg and read quickly.

My classroom. Now. -Professor Black

"Do you want to come?" he asked Draco, who nodded eagerly. Harry pulled his invisibility cloak out and draped it over them. They quickly reached her classroom and took the cloak off, walking inside.

"I didn't think you got it," she grinned. A loud noise erupted behind her and she sighed.

"Damn it!" a loud voice cursed, one that Harry instantly recognized.

"Remus?" he called and the red headed man appeared.

"Harry!" he exclaimed and pulled the boy into a hug. Another man appeared and Harry grinned, hugging him tightly.

"What are you doing here, Sirius?" he asked.

"We came to see Whiskers here," Remus answered.

"Why do you still call me that, Moony?" the woman groaned.

"You still call me Moony, I still call you Whiskers, Lyd," Remus smirked, poking her nose. She swatted his hand away and then frowned. Her eyes narrowed and her gaze turned to Draco. Her eyes widened in shock and she walked over to him.

"You," she whispered. She pulled out her wand and Harry thought for a second that she was going to curse him, but a second later, she mumbled a spell and Draco's ears and tail appeared. "I knew that there was one here. I could sense him."

Draco was scared and looked about ready to bolt. Harry walked next to him and wrapped a reassuring arm around his shoulders. He studied the three adults, daring them to try and hurt the blonde. Remus suddenly began laughing.
"I am getting such a terrible feeling of de já vu," he stated, making Sirius burst into laughter as well.

"De já vu?" Harry asked. Lyddie smiled and said the same spell over herself, revealing two black feline ears and a black glossy tail.

"You are one too?" Draco asked eagerly. Lyddie nodded and Draco threw his arms around her, making her laugh.

"That explains why they call you Whiskers," Harry smiled. Draco and Lyddie began talking and Remus and Sirius walked over.

"So, about you and Draco," Sirius began. Harry turned to him.

"What about me and him?' he demanded.
"Why did you decide to bring him and not Ron or Hermione?" Remus asked, his eyebrows going up suggestively.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. The two men exchanged looks and rolled their eyes.

"You are too much like your father," Sirius sighed.

"He was never good at subtly either," Remus frowned.

"What?" Harry asked.

"I am going to be blunt here, Harry," Sirius sighed, placing his hand on the Gryffindor's shoulder. "Are you and Draco dating?"

"Of course not!" Harry exclaimed, his face bursting into flames.

"You've thought about it though, haven't you?" Remus snickered.

"N...no," Harry stammered.

"We can tell that you're lying," Sirius laughed.

"So what of I have?" Harry demanded, crossing his arms.

"We aren't saying it's bad," Remus chuckled.

"We were just pointing out that you are so much like your father," Sirius smiled.

"How?" Harry asked curiously.

"He had a crush on a Hybrid, which was Whiskers," Remus grinned. "Him and Wormtail."

"Yeah, but Lyddie liked Remus," Sirius whisper yelled.

"But I don't swing that way," Remus smirked.

"What?" Harry shouted. "What about Tonks?"

"Tonks? We were never romantically involved," Remus shrugged. "It might have seemed that way but we aren't."

Harry frowned and shook his head. This was a lot to take in.

"What would my parents have said if they knew I was..." he trailed off.

"Well, your father was kinda awkward around me when I told him," Remus frowned.

"That was because you openly flirted with him," Sirius groaned.

"You liked my dad?" Harry shouted.

"Between you and me, Harry, your father was the most handsome guy in Hogwarts when we were younger," Remus winked. "Well, besides myself."

"I think that you boys should go up to bed," Professor Black told them finally. She smiled at Draco and gave him a quick hug. "If you need anything, anything at all, you come and find me."

"Thanks, Lyddie," the blonde smiled. He and Harry walked up to the common room and Harry looked over at him.

"How did you two become so close so fast?" he asked.

"She said that she went through the same thing as I am," Draco shrugged. "You know, worrying about what people would say or do."

Harry suddenly felt bad and he didn't know why. He looked over at the blonde, who was sitting on one of the arm chairs and staring into the fire. Harry got up and hugged him close.

"Draco," he mumbled. "You can tell me anything and I promise that I will never leave you."

He adjusted them so that he was sitting in the chair and Draco was on his lap, cuddling into him. Suddenly, Draco's skin became hot to the touch and the boy began to wriggle in Harry's arms.


Sorry, I couldn't help but add a bit of Moony and Padfoot. I love them too much.

And it looks like things are about to heat up between Draco and Harry.

Tell me your thoughts on this! I love hear, er, read them!

Fare the well!


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