♥Chapter Six♥

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Something Hermione had told him about Hybrids registered in Harry's mind as soon as he felt Draco's burning skin and he knew that he shouldn't have wrapped his arms around the boy but he didn't regret it. Draco twisted so that he was straddling Harry's lap and leaned in, their lips connecting.

The kiss wasn't heated. It was slow and passionate. Harry wasn't sure how to react. Did he want this? Draco's temperature went down and he pulled away.

"I shouldn't have done that," he muttered, his eyes widening. He got off Harry's lap and backed towards the door. "I'm sorry."

Harry watched him run out the door, shock still running through him.

Draco ran until he ran smack into Blaise. Blaise saw his distraught expression before Draco began running again. He ran into the forbidden forest and tripped over a root, sending him falling to his hands and knees. He looked around but didn't recognize this part of the forest. He got up shakily and walked to a hollow tree. He was so tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep. He quickly took off the concealment charms and curled up inside the tree, wrapping his tail around himself.


Blaise was not happy. He had just witnessed his best friend running from something and he was sure that the something was none other than Harry bloody Potter. Just as he reached the entrance to the common room, he saw Harry walking out. He grabbed the front of Harry's robes and slammed him against the wall.

"What did you do to Draco?" he demanded. Harry stared at him, his eyes wide with shock and fear.

"I...I..." he stammered and Blaise leaned closer so that their faces were centimeters apart.

"If you hurt him..." he hissed threateningly.

"What is going on here?" a loud voice demanded. Harry saw Snape and Lyddie standing a few feet away.

"Let him go, Zabini," Snape hissed.

"He hurt Draco!" Blaise shouted. Shock flickered over Snape's face and concern registered on Lyddie's.

"Blaise, doing something to Harry isn't going to so anything," Lyddie said soothingly. Blaise sighed and let Harry go. He looked over at Harry then at the two professors before his fist connected with Harry's jaw.

"Zabini!" they both cried. Harry slumped to the ground, holding his jaw.

"No, I deserved it," Harry muttered.

"What are you talking about, Potter?" Snape hissed.

"It doesn't matter right now!" Blaise exploded. "Draco is out there somewhere right now! We need to find him!"

"Blaise, there is nothing we can do right now," Lyddie tried, walking over to him. "It is getting dark and we can't send anyone out tonight, but I promise that we will find him."

"Draco is a smart lad," Snape said. "He will be able to survive out there, Zabini."

"You are right," Blaise nodded. "There is nothing to worry about."

"Why don't you two get to bed?" Lyddie smiled. "Tomorrow is Saturday and we can start searching for him."

Blaise nodded and walked off towards the Slytherin Common room. Harry began to walk away but Snape stopped him.

"Mister Potter," he growled.

"Yes, sir?" he asked.

"Usually I wouldn't care what you do but considering the fact that this may have just sent my godson to his death, I would like an explanation," he hissed. Harry sighed and turned to the two professors. He carefully explained what happened and Lyddie, much to the surprise of Snape, slapped Harry. He staggered backwards and stared wide eyed at her.

Snake In The Lion's Den (Drarry Hybrid AU)Where stories live. Discover now