Part 21

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Soon they reached her Destination...where sanyu got down from the car...

Randhir was expecting her to invite him in her house for a hearty dnr made by her mom again...but what she said made his heart drown in disappointment...

"Bye sir!"...she said
"Huh!! Yes...bye!"...he replied back half heartedly
She started going when Randhir again called her...
She turned towards him...n went near his car...
"Yes sir!"...
"Good night!"...he said...
Sanyu smiled n replied the same...
She started going again...
When he called her again...
She came near him again...when he said..."see u tomorrow...!"
"Okay sir... anything else?"...she asked..
To which he nodded in a no...
She started leaving again when he called her again for the 3rd time...
She rolled her eyes in irritation but still tried to maintain that hearty smile...
"Now what sir?"...she asked again going towards him..
"Come at sharp 9am tomorrow!!"...said randhir
"Wth??? He is so the mice r continuosly dancing inside my tummy...n this person!!"...sanyu cursed him inwardly...still maintaining that formal smile...

"Ok sir... anything else...I mean do think if u r forgetting "something"..."...she replied stressing more into 'forgetting'...
Randhir was about to chip a no...when he saw anju coming out from the house...
He quickly got off from his car...n ran towards her...
He touched her feet...n said..."namaste aunty"...
It took a min for anju to recognise that he was sanyu's boss...
With a broad smile she also greeted him...

"Really aunty...the parathas which u made me eat that ngt...were awesome...that essence still roams around my nose!!"...he which anju laughed heartily...
"Umm...aunty I think now I should take a leave!"...said randhir
"No can u leave from here just like this?? Come inside... Without hvng dnr at our house...I won't let u go anywhere!"...said anju in a strict tone to which randhir nodded in a yes...and did a hpy dance inwardly...

Stuffing the 6th tortilla inside his mouth accompanied by the chana masala... randhir burped aloud... making sanyukta flinched a bit...
On the other hand... randhir looked everywhere but not at her...
"Son...shall I give u one more chapati?"...asked anju...
"No no...aunty actually they r nice...but m full!!"...said randhir with a baby smile...
"Its ok beta...!!"...anju said stroking his head...
"Which human eats so much?! He is a Chimpanzee I guess!"...sanyu thought...

"Son go n wash your hands...n sit on the couch!! I m bringing a glass of mattha for u...u will feel good after hvng it increases the metabolism rate u see!"...said anju...
"Ok aunty!"...said randhir..before getting up from his seat...

Sandhir took their respective seats on the couch...when anju offered them the glasses of mattha...
Sanyu started drinking it it was her favourite...while randhir also started drinking the same glancing her time to time...

Suddenly sanyu felt like someone was giggling...
She frowned n looked forward only to see randhir laughing heartily...
"Y r u laughing?? Have u gone insane...!?"..she asked...
When Randhir stopped his laugh n glared her making her gulp...
He twisted his lips...n took out his phn...opening its camera...
N suddenly sanyukta heard a click which she looked up...

"Look at this!"...he said..
To which she frowned again n looked at the pic...only to see that her pic...where she was looking like a the milky mattha got imprinted between her nose n lips...thus making a moustache...
"Aahhhh!"...she cried out...while randhir took his phn back...n laughed again...
"Delete it!"...she ordered...
"N who said that I will follow your order!"...asked randhir upping his brow...
"U can't do this sir...plzz!!"...sanyu said...n ran to grab the phn from him...while he also started running...
While sanyu shouted the fullest... randhir continued to tease her...with that pic...along with his giggles...

The Tom n Jerry chase continued while anju remained a mute spectator...of all this...with a faint satisfactory smile...drowned in some of her own thoughts!

Thank u

(I know m very late...
But guys plz pardon me m hell busy nowadays for a college related function which will take place in first week of October...)

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