4. I Am Brown and Proud

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A/n: To all my fellow Filipinos out there, this is a poem for all of us.

I am Brown and Proud, I will say it aloud, I am Brown and Proud!

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I am Brown and Proud,
I will say it aloud,
I am Brown and Proud!

I am not ashamed of who I am,
I am not ashamed of my own color.
This is who I am.

I am Filipino.

I am proud of my country,

A land covered by the blue sea,

t is a precious gem at the center of a continent,

I am grateful of my country,
This where I grew up!
I am Filipino!

I am willing to sacrifice myself,
For the safety and peace it deserves!
I am brown and proud.
I am not afraid of my color.

My blood and tears are given to serve my Fatherland.
Who would say I am wrong?
Someone who's ashamed of what he is?

If you are ashamed of who you are,
You will never find happiness and acceptance.
You are always accepted.
You don't need someone else to judge you.

Do not be envious of the skin of others, You are already beautiful.

Smile, my dear fellow Filipinos.

You are brown and you should be proud.

You are who you are.
You are on your own, a star.
Be proud of your skin.

Do not cry if you are discriminated only because of your color,
You are beautiful on your own.

You have the best skin color out there.
Stand and be proud!

Among the crowd,
Say it aloud!
I am Brown and Proud!

Among the crowd, Say it aloud! I am Brown and Proud!

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A/n: I hope you like this new poem!

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