22: Guilt

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A/n: I hope you like this new chapter! :)


Everything went black when I left you.
You only watched me leave you alone.
You didn't tell me anything.
Why didn't you tell me that it hurts?
Why didn't you stop me?
Now I'm guilty of leaving you all alone.

I should have stayed!
It hurts to kneel before your grave.
Why did you take your life?
Why put a knife on your throat?
I killed you by leaving you.
How can I live now?

At that stage, you took your last bow,
You were in a gilded cage.
My sword could not save you.
I was too late to arrive to stop you.
I wailed like a little child below you!

My dearest, why didn't you tell me?
My dearest, I am guilty of my sin.

The whole world will know...
The one who took your life... Is me.
I left you in that darkness all alone.
I have to take some responsibility.
I could not take a blind eye to this.

If there's something I do want to change,
It is to go back to you and return to our old days.
We were like glue when we're lovers,
But I was tempted,
I lusted on others.
I lost sight of you.

The golden light we had shut itself.
I lost you.
I lost myself.
Will I ever find anyone to give me a new light?
Your death is a long night to me.
Will I ever see the sunrise again?
Or death is waiting for me, too?

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