Chappie 2

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I watched Kid spit his rhymes in the sound booth since Dejah and Drake wanted to be all flirty and shit in my face -_-. They so irra I took a sip of my 1800 and checked my phone for any messages I got a text from my ex Cory. He so irra! Im not even gon go there with him today. I locked my phone back and started back watching Kid. Dam that man fine asf,I could actually see us being something for some reason. Shit it might be the liquor talking. I silently laughed at myself and I guess Dejah seen me laugh.

“What’s so funny?” she said looking at me all confused like

“Don’t worry about why im laughing nigga” I took another sip of ny drink dam this shit good

“Don’t  get stabbed, Ill cut yo ass and you gon bleed diabetes”,dejah said

I laughed this bitch so stupid

“Umm bae?” Drake said scratching his head

“Wassup”,she said taking a sip of her water. I wonder why she aint drinking she stay what some kind of drank in her cup.

“How and the hell can you bleed diabetes?” he said looking at her with a slight grin on his face

“Shit you wanna find out?” she said looking at him

“Naw im Gucci”, he said putting his hands up in surrender

I laughed cuz im so fucked up but I continued to sip on my cup and Kid walked out the sound booth


Im way passed pissed right now I wanna power piunch tf outta Amy boa I swear I do ! That bitch a fired ass bitch

“Ooo shit Summer I wanna punch that bitch in the neck so fucking bad!”I said pacing back and forth in front of the studio

“Bitch calm down we gotta think”she said tapping her right temple

“Summer aint nun to think about aint no way for us to get in and I wanna see chris brown”, I said whining to her

Summer”s Face lit up… I knew she had a plan from there

This shit better work man

Summer walked over to the guard “Excuse me she said” to him he looked at her and said “Yeah”

“Im sorry to bother you but I dont kno-“ Summer “fainted”

The guard looked shocked and his eyes got wide “Omg Omg” he dropped his clip board and ran to go get help thats when I ran to sumer and helped her up and we both walked into the club dam summer deserves a grammy I high fived her

“Dam Summer your good bitch”,I said  as we made our way through the crowd  “Hey I try I try” We continued to go through the crowd it was kinda difficult. Bitches was screaming and shit sinced the concert already started.I finally got to the front Summer and Dam did this man looked  good. I knew he seen me because he looked directly at me and smiled. I smiled back ahim and I coulkd feel my cheeks getting red I have the biggest crush on Chris Breezyyyyyyyyyy

Kid Ink

After I recorded I walked out the sound booth to see every one laughing and shit Dam they wanna have fun without a real nigga but its coo it is ite lol. I play too much but that girl England..Paris..Naw London. Boa she is bomb but I doubt she would go for a nigga like me. Im not the type to settle down and stick to one chick I like to have em all like The Foreigners , The good Girls, The Bad ones,The crazy ones, …All that.But I mean if she gave me a chance I just might

The studio tech played the song back to us and I can tell London was gone off the bottle cuz she was dancing on the table barefoot it was crazy and she was still taking a sip out of her cup

“Get yo ass down London”Dejah said to her “Ryte now!”

“okay dam be coo shorty”London said getting down laughing and slurring some of her words

“London ima call you a cab give me your keys”

“Noooo! Im not drunk I can drive!”she said walking stumbling over her on feet

She reminded me of my mom…a fucking alcoholic! She use to come home so wasted that she didn’t even remember who I was…Sometimes she wouldn’t even cook and I would be hungry for days at a time because my dad would be gone one business trips. Sadly that’s howe my mom passed drinking and driving. She ran ryte into a tree.I clenched my jaw range built up inside of me. I could’ve saved her…

I stood up and walked over to dejah

“I’ll Take her home”,I said to dejah “No need to call a cab”


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