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"Ow, stop you're hurting me, i'm s-" Renjun was cut off by a strong slap to his right cheek, he gasped and his left hand shot up due to his other one being gripped tightly by his boyfriend. Said male looked at him with an angry expression.

"I told you not to be late, you're nearly 20 minutes late." He said, anger evident in his tone, Renjun didn't know why no one was doing anything. "I'm sorry, my mom had to tell me something. I swear it won't happen again, please don't-" Before the younger boy could even finish his sentence, he was being dragged along.

Strangers watched what was going on, but ignored it nonetheless. Deciding it wasn't their business and they weren't going to get involved. Soon enough he and his boyfriend were in the bathroom of the small diner they were at. Renjun looked at him, pleading with his eyes trying to get him to leave him alone.

"You know what happens when you don't listen you slut." He growled with anger. Renjuns eyes filled with tears, he didn't mean to be late, his mom was talking to him. "I'm sorry, i'm so so sorry. It won't happen again, just please don't hurt me." He pleaded, he didn't want to go through this today.

"You're fucking hilarious, you did this to yourself. I told you not to be late!" He shouted before getting a box of matches from his pocket. Renjun wondered why he randomly had them with him, but if he questioned it he'd just get into more trouble, and he definitely didn't want that.

"Please, don-" Before Renjun could finish what he was saying, a burning sensation was felt on his wrist causing him to close his mouth. It hurt so bad, but if he showed any signs of pain, things would only get worse for him. He winced when he pressed the match down, into his arm a bit more.

His boyfriend chuckled at this before taking the now unlit match and throwing it away. He proceeded to do the same action five more times on his arm before stopping. At this point Renjun was begging him to stop as tears rolled down his cheeks, he wanted someone to love and cuddle, and this is what he got.

The younger boy gasped when his boyfriend took out a small blade. What was he about to do? Was he about to be murdered or something? He wasn't ready to die yet, he still had so much to do with his life. Renjun tried to pull his arm away, but failed completely.

Due to him trying to break free, the other males grip tightened, and Renjun knew he'd have a bruise tomorrow. He also knew he would have to wear a hoodie, with sleeves that were too big for him. He tried his best to hide the fact he wasn't okay. Honestly he thought he was pretty good at it too.

The small boy almost screamed when he felt the blade being pressed to his wrist, and he let out a squeak when the blade was dragged. His boyfriend of course did this another 6 times, until his wrist was bleeding quite a bit. Renjun was sobbing, sitting on the floor as his boyfriend went to clean off the blade in the sink.

The taller male walked over and grabbed Renjuns hair, aggressively pulling his head so he'd look at him. As the younger looked up at him, he smirked a bit before letting go of his hair. Then he kicked him in the stomach, and it hurt, a lot.

"Next don't be late, whore" He growled before storming out of the bathroom. Renjun stayed there, trying not to sob but failing. He didn't know what he did to deserve this, he was late and that was his fault but still.

Renjun did the one thing he was told to do by Jeno, every time this happened. He pulled out his phone and looked through the contacts. He was told to call him every single time, he was going to do something right for once.

"Hello?" Jeno's voice came from the phone in his hand, the boy smiled and prepared to answer. "Hi." His voice was shaky, but to be totally honest he didn't give a shit, and he doubted Jeno did. There was a pause before one of them began speaking again.

"Did something happen, are you okay? Why do you sound like you're crying?" He asked all at once, surprising the other boy. "Yes, something did happen. Why does he do this Jeno? What did i ever do?" He questioned quietly, trying not to breakdown.

"You didn't do anything, he's just a jerk who hurts people for his own entertainment. Now where are you? What did he do?" He said, Renjun could tell he was worried. He was speaking so fast he could barely make out what he was saying.

"I texted you where i was going earlier. He did a lot." He said the last part quietly, hoping the other wouldn't hear it. "Did he burn you again?" Jeno asked, the boy didn't answer he sat there, silently. He was scared to answer, what if his boyfriend heard him telling someone about everything that happened?

A long annoyed sigh was heard from the other male, making renjun feel bad. Jeno was probably mad at him now for wasting his time, he felt tears stinging his eyes as he thought about what'd it be like to go through this alone once again. It was hell when he didn't have Jeno around him.

"Renjun, you can tell me this stuff. You don't have to be scared. Now answer my question, did he burn you again?"  Jeno said more demanding this time, the boy now had tears rolling down his face as he thought about if he should tell him he's bleeding right now.

"Yes, but he did more. I might be bleeding right now." Renjun said the last part quietly and quickly, he seriously didn't want to worry jeno. He looked down at his wrist, scars that were made by both him and his boo lined it, along with the new cuts and burns from today.

"You're fucking bleeding?! What did he do to you?!" Jeno now sounded angry, so angry it scared the bleeding boy. "He had a blade, and he cut me with it. My wrists are bleeding." He mumbled, he heard the male on the phone scoff. Renjun continued to sit there as more tears rolled down his soft cheeks.

"Don't you dare move, unless you're going to clean the cuts, I'll be there soon" And before Renjun could even protest, Jeno had hung up. He sighed and sat against the wall, pulling his sweaters sleeves over his hands so that only the tips of his fingers were visible, so he had sweater paws.

He sat there and waited for his friend to arrive so he wasn't alone anymore.

I told y'all this would be angsty, it will also be cute too so don't worry.

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