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Renjun jumped when the bathroom door flew open, he closed his eyes tightly thinking it was his boyfriend. He was terrified, why couldn't he just be left alone, what did he do to deserve all of this shit? He wanted to be happy, was that too much to ask for?

Jeno pushes through the bathroom door, anger filling his entire body. How could someone hurt such a kind person like Renjun? He felt his heartbreak when he saw the small boy sitting on the ground, eyes closed and a bit of blood near him. He seemed so scared, and traumatized.

"Hey, it's Jeno don't worry, I'm not Chanwoo." He said softly before kneeling down beside the boy. He hesitantly opened his eyes and looked at him, they both sat silently for a couple of seconds. How were they supposed to start this conversation?

"You need to leave him, right now." He said with a demanding tone, the smaller boy sighed and looked down. Jeno stood up and walked to the sink, he grabbed some toilet paper and soaked it with water. he wanted to leave chanwoo but he was too scared, what if it only made things worse?

"It's not that easy..." Renjun said extremely quietly, Jeno walked back over and gently lifted his arm. He rolled up his sleeve, and felt anger fill his body once again. 6 burn marks, and 7 cuts. How could someone do this to their boyfriend? You're supposed to love each other.

He cleaned the cuts, but didn't realize he was being really harsh about it. Until the smaller boy squeaked, moving his arm away from him. Jeno looked at him with confusion, why did he do that? He needs to clean the cuts? If he doesn't they'll get infected.

"What are you doing?" He asked harshly, he was angry.  Not at Renjun but at Chanwoo for hurting him so much. "I'm sorry y-you were just, um, you were h-hurting me." He said, clearly nervous. Jeno frowned when he realized that he had scared the boy by accident.

"I'm sorry, i'll be more gentle okay?" He said softly and took his arm to clean the cuts. Renjun looked at the ground, tears threatened to spill from his eyes, it hurt so much. Everything hurt so much, all that ever happened to him was bad stuff.

Jeno looked at the boys face, he was staring at nothing. He looked broken, and hurt, it made Jeno want to punch Chanwoo is the face. Renjun was completely silent for the rest of the time he was cleaning his cuts. Jeno sighed and stood up, walking to put the toilet paper in the garbage can.

Renjun hesitantly stood up, rolling down his sleeves before looking over at Jeno. Said boy walked over, grabbed his hand and led him out of the diner, he opened his car door for Renjun before going to his side of the car. He started the car and began to drive to his house, Renjun looked at his feet still feeling quite nervous.

"you need to tell someone. someone who isn't me. start with friends and eventually work your way to your parents and then the police, it sounds hard but i promise that it will help in the long run." Jeno suddenly said, the other boy immediately shook his head a panicked expression on his face.

"i can't do that. everyone will hate me and things will only get worse." He said quickly while staring at the younger male who sighed deeply. "We're here, get out." Jeno said and stopped the car, opening his door and getting out. Renjun followed him inside the house.

"Hey Jeno! Why's Renjun here? Wait has he been crying? Oh my, what's wrong injunnie?" Jaemin said all at once before rushing over to the short boy who was feeling overwhelmed. Jeno gave him a look that made him look down, he was telling him to tell Jaemin what happened.

"if you don't tell him then i will." Jeno said with a tone that sounded much like a mother's. Still, Renjun stayed completely quiet, looking at his feet. Jaemin looked quite confused, what was the small boy hiding from him? He'd never seen him cry, he was also a happy person, making everyone laugh with his jokes.

All three of them sat on the couch, and Jeno began telling Jaemin everything, Renjun flinched many times while he told the story. jaemins heart broke many times during it, how could he not notice how much pain he was in? He was always so good at hiding everything, the one fishy thing he noticed was his sweaters in scorching hot weather.

"Injunnie, why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have judged you or anything, i want to help you. Call me or Jeno whenever this happens." Jaemin said, looking at the boy who hadn't said a word since he arrived. "I-i'm sorry, i was just scared." He said quietly, a lump had formed in his throat.

"You don't have to be scared Renjun. Just know that me and Jeno are always here, and we won't leave you alone." Jaemin said with a smile, grabbing the other boys thin hand. Renjun looked up and smiled as best he could, meaning it was a very small and weak smile.

Even though he had nomin there to help him, he felt unbelievably alone still.

This was bad for coming back after nearly a month, sorry.

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