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Renjun opened his locker, putting his bag in it before closing it again. He had just got through hours of terrible classes and it was now lunch, though he wasn't going to eat anything he was just glad to be away from his teachers who seemed to hate his guts. He didn't do anything to make them hate him, it's just that every person despised him.

He pulled his sweater sleeves over his fingers, making sure that his hands were not visible. His hands were bruised as well, he had been punching his wall to get his feelings out cause he couldn't talk to anyone. His parents were on a business trip which means he had the whole house to himself, which was bad.

He could go days without eating and no one would force him to eat, he could cut and no one would know, he could cry and punch things as much as he wanted. Without his parents things fell apart, they crumbled until he was nothing. Then someone would have to put him back together again.

"Hey Renjun!!" Chenle yelled waving happily, these were the times he'd pretend to be happy and cheerful, but he didn't feel like it today. Renjun smiles weakly and waved for   a second. He sat beside Jaemin and put his head on the table, he was done with everything.

Jaemin rubbed his back in a comforting way, he knew what was going on. Mark looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows, he had never seen him like this before. He was always happy and energetic like Chenle, but today he seemed so broken or something.

"Hey, you okay?" Jisung asked, being the nice 16 year old he was. "Yeah, i'm just tired i didn't sleep until 3 cause i was gettin them fortnite wins." Renjun said and took his head off of the table, deciding he didn't like getting sympathy from his friends.

"What did i say about getting your full 8 hours of sleep! you're going to get sick if you keep playing so much fortnite." Kun chimes in, before putting some spaghetti into his mouth. Renjun chuckled and shook his head, Kun had always been kind of a parent to him and his friends.

"Okay mom. but seriously i bet i have more fortnite wins then all of you put together." Renjun said smugly before crossing his arms in front of his chest. "You may have more wins, but at least i actually have a mom who cares about me." Chenle said and ate his spaghetti,

Renjun felt a sinking feeling in his stomach when he heard these words, his smile disappeared as he looked down at his lap. Jaemin gasped and glared at Chenle who seemed very confused. Renjun stood up slowly and said something very quietly.

"I'm going to the bathroom, i'll be back." He mumbled before walking towards the cafeteria doors. Chenle was right, his mom didn't care about him, she just wanted someone who could take over the family company. Never once had she asked how his day was, all she ever did was talk about the stupid company.

He sniffled and walked a bit faster, staring at the ground. He wasn't crying right now because he had no tears left, he had cried to much the previous night. He bumped into someone and looked up, standing there was a boy with red hair, Renjun had never seen him before.

"Hey, do you know where the cafeteria is?" The boy asked with a small smile on his face, Renjun smiled a bit. "It's right there." He said pointing to a door on the right side of the hall. The red head chuckled and scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Oh. I'm donghyuck, you can call me hyuck." He said sticking out his hand. Renjun shook his hand as best he could with his sleeves covering his hand. "I'm renjun. It's nice to meet you Hyuck, are you new?" He asked as he began walking beside him.

"Yeah, i'm a little nervous to be completely honest. But it seemed the gods have blessed me in the form of running into such a cutie like you." Hyuck said calmly. He thought Renjuns sweater paws were adorable, they made him look small and innocent.

"o-oh, thanks," He mumbled and looked down, he quickly remembered that he couldn't go back in the cafeteria, it'd seem weird to his friends. He stopped right in front of the door, causing Hyuck to turn and face him, confusion washing over his face.

"I forgot that i had to talk to the teacher, im doing a project and i have to ask him a question. have a great first day hyuck!" Renjum yelled before running off into the other direction, Hyuck continued to stare for a few seconds before entering the cafeteria.

Throughout lunch all he thought about was the cute boy with the sweater paws.

kfkdkns it's so bad omg.

sweater paws - renhyuckTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang