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renjun looked down at his exposed wrist, four new cuts were lining it. he felt bad, he felt like he let jeno and jaemin down by self harming. he just felt so worthless and terrible that day and he ended up cutting because of it, even though he promised to stop for his two friends.

he sighed and pulled his sweater sleeve down over his hand, he had school in an hour and he was already ready. long story short he was fucking bored, so he did what any smart person would do if course. he crawled back into bed and fell asleep, he set an alarm so he'd wake up in time. he needed this because he had only slept three hours the previous night due to the thoughts racing around his head.

renjun groaned when his alarm went off, he looked at his phone and frowned. school started in 30 minutes, he'd have to go suffer through hell and then come home and cry. His daily routine was to cry for hours when he got home, it was something he'd been doing since grade 6. It was engraved into his mind forever.

he sat up, wiped his eyes and grabbed his bag before leaving his room. school was 25 minutes away, if he was having a good day, and he wasn't so he was probably going to be late. then he'd have detention because his teacher hates his guts.

he opened the door to his classroom, looking down at the ground, he wasn't late but he knew he'd still get detention. the teacher looked over and scoffed at him, grabbing his wrist harshly, causing him to hiss in pain and yank it away.

"i'm not late, nobody else is even here..." he whispered and looked down at the ground, class started in 10 minutes, he had gotten to school faster then he thought he would. now his teacher was mad at him and he didn't understand why, he didn't do anything aggravating yet today.

"we went over this subject so many times! yet somehow you still completely mess it up and fail! how is that renjun? huh? you just don't ever listen do you?!" she practically screamed at the boy who flinched and moved back. his breathing quickened, the way she was acting right now reminded him of chanwoo, and after yelling, always comes physical attacks.

"stop overreacting you little brat!" she yelled, and with that tears started pouring out of his eyes as he left the classroom in a hurry. he speed walked down the hall, looking down at his shoes, not paying attention to where he was going. he gasped when he bumped into someone, and then fell.

he looked up, tears were clouding his vision but he could tell who it was, it was chanwoo. he felt like all the air was simultaneously sucked out of his lungs, he was probably about to be hurt again. his boyfriend smirked at him and reached his hand out, offering to help him up off of the ground. he hesitantly accepted and stood up.

renjun knew he shouldn't have accepted, and now he was being dragged behind him. for some reason, he didn't even try to fight back, he just let it happen because deep down he knew he would only fail to get away and just cause himself more pain then what's actually necessary. he looked down at the ground, chanwoo asked him a question but he ignored him. bad choice.

"answer me you whore!" he shouted and forced the boy to look at him in the middle of the hall. he gasped when the olders hand came in contact with his cheek, slapping him so hard that the sound rang through the school halls. his hand shot up to his cheek as he stared at his boyfriend with wide eyes, suddenly fast footsteps were heard coming towards them, it sounded like two different people were running towards them.

"what the fuck..." chanwoo mumbled before sprinting the opposite way of the footsteps. meanwhile renjun fell to the floor, he wasn't crying, but his cheek was stinging really bad, his hand didn't move as he stared blankly at the wall opposite of him. jeno crouched in front of him, moving his hand he examined the red spot where he had been slapped, and then scoffed.

"you need ice. hyuck, can you go get some ice?" jeno questioned then looked up at the boy who quickly nodded. renjun felt his heart sink, the new kid had seen this, and also seen him while he was vulnerable. "the nurse has ice, right?" hyuck asked quietly, jeno nodded and the other boy ran off down the hall.

"jeno.. hyuck just saw what happened didn't he?" renjun asked quietly while fiddling with his fingers, the other boy nodded and sat criss-cross from the boy and held his hand that was covered by his sleeve. "he did, you need to tell the principal, renjun. please." jeno practically begged, he was getting more and more concerned by the second.

the two sat for a while, in complete silence until hyuck appeared with a bag of ice in his hand. jeno took the bag of ice after saying thanks and put it on renjuns still red cheek. the other boy sat down beside jeno who smiled at him.

"renjun, this is hyuck, hyuck this is renjun." jeno said introducing the two to each other. "we've already met." renjun said and then smiled at the younger boy with red hair. hyuck nodded and smiled back at him, though he was still quite concerned for the boys health, who was that boy who hit him?

"renjun, who was that guy who hit you?"

IM BACK. this was shit for a comeback but oh well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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