ONE. Thanos was right

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OK, not really, but kinda maybe.

So hey, (Is that how I start this? Should I take away the "so"? Nah, I'm doing this my way. Eff the system) my name is Paul Sweeny, and I'm fifteen. I know what you're thinking: "Oh, but Paul, how could a mother name their child Paul?" Good question. I completely agree with ya. Now that I think of it, I've never met a child besides me with the name Paul. Ehh, whatever.

But my mom didn't give a shit about me anyway. I don't know how, exactly, but the abortion failed. She named me right after I was born... I know I know, what a bitch. So she said the first thing that came into her head. Which was... Paul.

She left shortly after to have sex with my dad's ex-bestie. So that's fun. She's been back a few times to mess with my dad, but besides that, she hasn't been back. She certainly hasn't been a mother to me. She just makes dad go crazy.

I remember the last time she came to eff with us. Apparently, since she left, she became very successful as a porn star. If I hadn't tried my best to ignore her, then I would be shook that my mother is a rich bitch that gets paid by men jerking off. Still don't know what happened to my dad's best friend. My mom probably murdered him because he was too small or some shit.

I regret not killing myself earlier in my life, when I was depressed, so I wouldn't have to deal with her. Now, I have a future, so I can't. I'm going to college in the fall. I have a great and beautiful girlfriend. I also have actual real friends for the first time, so that's neat.

Tessa is probably one my closest friends. Her household is maybe even shittier than mine, so she spends most of her time at mine, and only goes back to her own house to sleep.

Also, eff whoever says that parents should never divorce. Tessa was ruined by her parents not splitting and them yelling and screaming at each other constantly. Tessa was depressed from her parents trying to do something good for her. Kind of ironic.

My other best friend is Markus. He's a bro. A real bro. We have a good meme sending relationship. He also spends most of his time here, considering his own father ended up being a murderer/drug dealer and his mother committed suicide because of it. He's older than me and Tessa, though. By the time his mother killed herself, he was old enough to live without a guardian.

Thanks America.

So it's just us three, always staying at my house. Today, however, we're all going to see a movie. Some superhero movie or other. Markus is the only one that saw the others, so me and Tessa will be questioning pretty much everything going on. Oh well, it's better than becoming a druggie, like all the other depressed kids in school.

But now, while me and Markus are waiting for Tessa to get here, we are playing on my old trashy PS3. Black Ops II is a real way to fight depression, if I do say so myself.

Also music. Music helps a lot.

"Behind you, bro!" I yelled, swirling my joystick around, in doing so killing me. I threw my controller on the ground, "Shit!"

Markus, naturally, didn't listen to me, and furthermore killing him as well. I raised my middle finger and he laughed.

"I said behind you, eff it!"

"Well maybe if you hadn't died..."

"Oh, don't give me that bullshit. You know that was a thousand effing percent you fault."

"Thanks American education system," Tessa said, entering my room.

"Oh, haha, you're hilarious," I said, raising my middle finger to her as well.

Tessa's tiny nose crumpled, "It smells like shit in here,"

"Markus's fault," I laughed.


We left after a few minutes of talking shit to each other.

The movie was OK, I guess. But since I haven't watched any of the other nerd movies, I wasn't really sad when half of them died (spoiler alert).

We had a debate in the car ride back whether Thanos was right. Well I mean, he was kinda right, but he just did a bunch of shit to make him seem like a villain again. Tessa seemed to think strongly the other way, but Markus just didn't care. He was just laughing at all the memes he hadn't gotten before about the movie.

As Markus pulled us up to our house, I noticed a car in a garage. Our laughter died as I realized who it was. At least this time it happened I had Markus and Tessa to turn to.

My mother wanted to fuck with our heads again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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