Beta Announcement

114K 2.4K 141

Hello! "Salakay" has been selected for a short-term closed beta program to explore different ways writers can make money from their works. As a writer in Wattpad for six years, I hope that you would continue supporting me and my story.

For years, Wattpadders around the world have suggested adding new features that would allow them to reward their favorite writers. And I am blessed to be chosen as part of this. 

From the bottom of my heart, Thank you so much <3


update as of Feb 9, 2019:

Hello! When I said short-term trial, I meant short-term trial—With this, I'd like to announce that by February 18, Salakay will be free to read again! :)

I would like to thank everyone who supported me while in the program, whether through coins, words of support, or tips. Thank you so much for your kindness! Your kindness was enough for me and I really really appreciate it.

To those who insulted and spat out hurtful words towards me naman, may God bless your heart and I really hope you won't experience what I went through and had to endure thanks to your hurtful words. I hope that someday you guys can approach things with Empathy and Respect because you can't continue living live with a heart full of hate towards others. In simpler terms, let's put our self in the place of others because we can't keep on hating people for the most unwarranted stuff. God Bless and may we start to become better individuals <3

To those who were patiently waiting for Salakay to be free again, without throwing hateful words, thank you for understanding and may the world have more people like you. Maraming salamat po and God bless!

SalakayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon