Stage 2, sadness.

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I sat in a puddle of my own eye fluids as i sobbed.

I knew that it was stupid to cry about something as stupid as youtube, but the thought that youtube was stupid only made me cry more.

My friend (insert name here), came up to me and crouched down beside

They put their hand on my shoulder as to comfort me.

"Whats wrong?"

"t-tHEy toOk aWAy tHe y-YTTTTTT!!!!"

You feel like such an idiot.

  You other friend who you didnt notice was there starts to laugh uncontrollably.

"sh-shUt thE FuCK uP (InsErT coOl nAmE hERe)!"

(insert cool name here) was such a cool name. To bad that it belongs to an asshole like (insert cool name here).

You started to laugh at that thought, while still crying.

"Oh no it's happening again" (insert name here) says.

"Should we just...go?"(insert cool name here) says


Once you stop your fit of laughter/crying you realize your friends have left you.

You don't really care though.

They are probably the fakest people you know.

You just sit and think for a while.

You start wondering is Shane Dawson   has posted anything new yet.

You try to forget about it, because you know thinking about things like that would only make you want to watch his videos more.

But you couldn't get the thought out of your head.

You wanted to be the first to like it, to comment on it.

You like your lips just thinking about it.

You start scratching at the floor.

You really, really wanted the yt now.

More then you did before.

You decided too try to persuade your mother to give you the yt back.

You wand to your mother's door and knocked on it.

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